The Calm Before

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She was woken up by the sensation of his hands pulling her bottoms down, and her top up; and his rough beard scraping her skin. Jackie moaned approvingly. His efforts halted; and she knew the enquiry about consent was coming.


"God, yes! Yes!"

He roughly jerked her trousers down; and she shuddered under his hot greedy mouth.


He, first, made sure she was satisfied; he knew all the right 'buttons to push,' after all. And then, while she was still panting and squeezing her eyes, colourful sparkles dancing behind her lids; he moved up her body, shook off his pants; and it was quick, hard, and purposeful. Her moaning out 'more' and 'god, yes' had clearly spurred him.

After he cleaned up in the bathroom, he stretched on the bed near her. She still hadn't regained full control over her limbs - or over the cat-that-got-the-cream sort of grin on her face.

"Can I sleep more?" he asked.

"Of course," Jackie answered; and he scooped her, pulled her closer, and snuggled into her.

Her buttock was once again resting on his palm, just as the previous times. She wondered if he might develop a CTS from the hefty ballast.

"Just a few moments," he muttered. "You need to take a shower, right? I'll let you go in a jiffy."

Jackie threaded her fingers into his hair, and he sighed contently.

"You don't have to. And sleep as much as you need," she whispered. "I like you in my bed."

He'd said something similar at some point, she seemed to recall.

She nodded off for about half an hour, but eventually she needed to get up to go to the loo. That woke her up completely, and she decided to take the aforementioned shower. If his previous stats were anything to go by, that would be far from the last round for today. She needed to prepare some of her parts for a potential shag marathon.

She was sitting in the sitting room, in her robe over her naked body; pale morning light slowly climbing the wall opposite from her. She kept catching herself throwing looks at the stairs leading to the first floor; as she savoured her coffee, the silence around her, and the delicious tiredness in her body.

After about half an hour Tartufo creeped out of the utility closet and started approaching her, crouching low to the ground.

"So you know, cheetie, he's still upstairs," Jackie said and saluted the feline with her brew. "And that might become a recurring constant."

The cat froze in the middle of the room, in a weirdly elongated shape, cowering along the floor.

"No pressure, of course, but I think you should give him a chance. He's very gentle." Jackie, being the proverbial hormonal teen in her heart, snorted. "Well, when the circumstances call for it, that is."

The cat backed up, shuffled forward, reversed again, and retreated back into the utility closet. Jackie giggled at this awkward turn-in-the-road manoeuvre and took a sip of her coffee. Everything tasted, smelled, and looked exceptionally grand this morning - and she was very much aware that there was nothing new about the beans or the weather.

She finished another mug of coffee, a Chelsey bun, and two chapters of a new Emily R. Green's romance novel; when he shouted from upstairs, "May I take a shower, please?"

Jackie found his occasional formal language properly fit - but, truth be told, she found everything about him mind-blowingly sexy.

"Help yourself!" she hollered.

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