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(Authors Note): Basic navigation:

(Y/N) = your name

(H/C) = hair color

(E/C) = eye color

etc. etc.!

(Disclaimer: This is a female reader insert!)


The seas were truely an amazing sight.

Always beautiful, wether rain or shine the water never failed to impress.

The sea was home to you, the heir to one of the most feared families that sailed the archapelago. Your father retired long ago, leaving his ship and legacy in your young hands.

You accepted the role with pride and vigor, ready to make a name for yourself as one of the most fearsome pirate captains to live.

So here you stood today, at the helm of your mighty ship, The Eye Of Medusa, named by you great-great-grandfather many years ago, your crew working behind you to keep the ship in tip top shape.

You watched the gentle waves with a content smile. It was cloudy, but the waves were calm. No whirlpools of a submaripper. Not a seashocker fin in sight. Today was a good day. An easy one.

You turned away from the helm, making your way down into the captains quarters to consult the large map hung from the wall.

Going over the route one more time wouldn't hurt.

You approached the map on the far wall of your chambers, picking up your pencil from your desk as you went.

You brought the pencil up to trace once more over the plotted out route, should everything go as planned, the crew should arrive at the Northern Markets in around two weeks time.

Although... if you were to lead the ship through Skull Crack Bay, the trip would be shortened by days.

You hummed thoughtfully, turning away from the map to grab your fathers journal from the desk.

You remembered reading something about Skull Crack Bay when you first aquired the journal, a small warning in the margines of the pages.

"Skull Crack Bay, though an excellent short cut when heading north, is dangerous this time of year. During the warm months. The humidity mixes with the cold, and creates a sticky mist that hides the dangers of the bay. Both rocks, and the more... living threats."

You hummed thoughtfully, glancing back at the map. Though it was the warmer part of the year, it was still pretty early in the season, the mist shouldn't be a problem necessarily...

Even so, you trusted Demire, your first mate and good friend, to be able to navigate through the fog.

You closed the book with a sharp, snap, re-charting the ships route through Skull Crack Bay on the map.

Once you were done, you returned to the upper deck, joining Demire at the wheel of the ship.

"Change of course." You said, leaning on the railing next to him, "We'll cut through Skull Crack Bay. Arrive at the Markets early."

"Are you sure?" Demire asked, turning the wheel slowly in the direction that would lead to the bay, "Isn't it nesting season for scauldrons? That place is a hot spot for them."

"That shouldn't be for another month, it'll be fine. Quicker." You dismissed, smiling reassuringly.

Demire shrugged, laughing softly, "Just making sure."


(Authors Note): Hallo! Welcome to the first chapter of Dearest One, which will be a mutil book series! This is a Httyd race to the edge reader insert, and any helpful critisizm is welcome!

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