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'I was told that you would not be here',

I said standing in front of my ex-boyfriend Jake avoiding his eyes, I looked down at his shoes and saw that he took a step closer to me,

'it's okay I can go if you want',

Jake said smiling, I shook my head at him beginning to look at the ground again,

'don't look at me like that Jake ',

I said, Noah looked at me confused, he somehow moved closer towards me,

'like what?',

Jake questioned, I looked up at him,

'like you still love me',

I said softly, Jake grabbed a hold of my hands,

'I knew you were coming, I told everybody to tell you that I wasn't coming because if you knew that I was going to be here you wouldn't come. But I needed to see you because yes I still love you',

Jake said pulling my hands up to his face. I looked up at him tears forming in my eyes,

'I-I can't do this right now',

I said pulling my hands away from him as I began to make my way to the front door. People came towards me asking me questions, I ignored them all and walked out the front door. I sat myself down on the front steps of the house, I pulled my knees into my chest as I began to cry. The front door opened again and I felt a hand on my back, it was Jake's,

'I-I-m sorry',

I stuttered out between my sobs, Jake quickly sat beside me bringing me into his chest, he began to rub fingers through my hair,

'it's okay, we can figure this out together whatever is going on. I'm here for you whatever you need I am in no rush to get back together with you if you aren't ready as long as I have you in my life everything is going to be okay'.

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