t r a n s f e r

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'y/n why weren't you at the scene this morning?',

Holt asked me, I let out my breath slightly not looking up from my paperwork,

'I had something personal',

I said, he opened his office door,

'my office y/l/n',

Holt said, I stood up out of my chair and slowly walked into his office avoiding eye contact with the rest of the team, he shut the door as I walked into his office,

'y/n tell me what is going on',

Holt said walking over and leaning against his desk. I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes and I let out a shaky breath and avoided his eye contact,

'Holt I am going to either need some time off or a transfer',

I said shakily, Holt looked at me confused,

'y/n you know I will only let you do one of those things',

Holt said to me, I shook my head at him,

'I know Captain but I just can't be here',

I said my voice wavering,

'y/n we don't do secrets remember I've told you that since you were young, so tell me what is going on so I can come up with a solution',

Holt said in his father figurely tone, I let out a slight breath,

'I don't know if I can tell you Holt because I know you'll be disappointed in me',

I said, he shook his head at me as a way of saying it wasn't possible,

'Holt I'm pregnant and I'm going to do it by myself because Jake and I broke up before I even knew I was pregnant',

I blurted out, he nodded his head at me,

'you're not doing this by yourself; I'm here and as for work you're going to work until you can and then you can be here doing stuff in house; y/n you are not throwing your career away because of this',

Holt said, I nodded my head smiling at him for his support,

'but y/n you also need to talk to Jake about the reason he broke up with you so suddenly',

Holt said confusing me, I nodded my head at him and stood up walking out of his office,

'Thanks Captain',

I said before leaving. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake looking at me concerned, I walked to the locker room just needing a moment to myself to process the conversation I had just had as well as everything that was going on. I sat myself down on the bench in there when I heard footsteps approaching,


I heard someone somewhat ask, I realised it was Jay,


I said unsure of what I should say, he walked around to where I was beginning to lean again the lockers,

'you want to talk about what just happened?',

Jake said, I shook my head at him slightly not wanting to cry,

'y/n I just got dragged in to Holt's office; being told I was responsible for you questioning throwing your career away',

Jake said, I looked up at him shocked not sure whether to be happy or angry about what Holt said,

'I'm pregnant'.

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