f a v o u r

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'hello to my favourite detective'

I said as Jake walked into the room, he stopped in his tracks,

'What do you need or want?',

Jake said slowly turning around to face me sceptical of my actions and what I wanted out of the following conversations. I awkwardly smiled at him,

'can you do me a favor?',

I asked trying to look at him with puppy dog eyes, he slowly walked towards me narrowing his brows not to sure where I was headed,

'depends on what that favour would be',

Jake said finally reaching where I was standing, I rolled my eyes at him,

'can you please just say yes or no Jake?',

I asked, Jake pretend to think pausing before he decided to speak,

'fine I will grant you a favor',

Jake said quite pompously, I rolled my eyes once again,

'don't worry about it for crying out loud I'll go ask Roza or something',

I said beginning to walk away from the boy, he grabbed my hand pulling me back to where I was before,

'I was just kidding y/n! just tell me what you need me to do',

Jake yelled at me quite annoyed, I looked at him not to sure what to do but I decided to ask him anyway,

'would you be able to pretend to be my boyfriend for my friend's wedding? I told them I'd have a plus one and for some reason they automatically assumed it would be a boyfriend and I clearly don't have one',

I said extremely quickly, Jake began to smile at me,

'of course I will y/n, maybe something exciting will happen after the wedding, you never know what could happen'.

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