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'my god I'm bored',

I said sitting back in my chair, Jake smiled at me and moved away from his desk beginning to roll over to me,

'I told you that you didn't have to work the night shift with me tonight',

Jake said reaching where I was, I shook my head at him,

'when do I ever do what I'm told?',

I asked Jay and then got a smirk on his face,

'well I know one situation where you do what I tell you',

Jake said, my eyes widened as I heard what he said. He grinned at me,

'sorry what?',

I asked him wondering if he was talking about what I thought he was. He nodded his head,

'you heard what I said',

Jake said to me, I raised my eyebrows at him again,

'I did'.

jake peralta imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now