Part 3

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Her pov:

The car ride towards the killers pavilion was silent. It was as if the 3 of us were strategizing the arrest without any sort of communication. The car came to a halt near a two storey building. Reyansh strode towards the door and rang the bell. The door was opened gently and almost closed on our faces but Arjun managed to burst through and caught ahold of the middle aged man. Arresting all the 3 killers we brought them to the department.

Reyansh walked inside the confession room and let me just say he looked outrageous. If I get to see this view everyday, I wouldn't mind coming to work on Sundays.

Focus aarohi...focus.

His pov:

I walked inside the confession room after glancing at aarohi who was standing outside the room and gazing at the killers through the glass wall.

"Speak!" I commanded.

"Sir please leave us, we haven't done anything!" The middle aged woman replied.

"You killed your own daughter. The fingerprints we found match with you, your husband and this arsehole son of yours. So before I lose my temper you better start confessing."

My mind was spinning. How could a family be this disgusting to their own daughter?


"S-sir, Pooja, my sister, was in a relationship with anghan Chauhan. He impregnated her and ran away. We asked Pooja to abort the baby but she wouldn't budge. We kicked her out of the house the day after. Soon the news spread like wildfire and the image of our family was at stake. To protect the same, we had to get rid of pooja. Hence we strategized a plan. We requested her to shift to room 506, in heritage heights, which previously belonged to my grandmother and is located besides our own apartment 505. We pretended to accept her and the baby so she would have utmost faith in us. We cared for her up until we got the perfect opportunity to kill her. We couldn't forgive her, not after my fiance broke off the engagement due to my sister's wrongdoings. I loved my fiance and i couldn't lose her because of my so-called sister. Pooja had a habit of taking naps in the afternoon. After having her lunch on June 11, she dozed off as usual.  I entered the apartment with a spare key and injected sodium in her body while she was still asleep.  She experienced some spasms and soon after she gave in. I called ma and papa and we tied her to a body to the fan with a rope making it seem like a suicide so that nobody would bother us with unnecessary questions." The brother finished.

I was outraged. Disgusted and sick to my stomach.

"Shame on you people. You abandoned your own sister when she needed you the most. People like you do not deserve to have women in your life. You treat them as some objects which you can use and throw away the moment you're done playing with them. You blamed her for getting pregnant but never that boyfriend of hers who got her into that situation. It is men like you who disgust me to the core. By your track record mr siddhant Singh, you had impregnated a woman in your college life as well and asked her to abort the baby as soon as the news reached you. Didn't you?"

The brother started sweating.

"Let me make this clear, Your sister did not deserve to die. She deserved her share of happiness and if the baby brought her that, who are you people to take that away from her. It was her choice. A woman is well entitled to her own choice. You took 2 lives. The three of you. You're worse than monsters. I sincerely hope you rot in jail for the rest of your lives."

Ordering the junior officers to continue with the proceedings and walked out of the room towards my cabin.

I needed to breathe. Sometimes I hate my job, I hate it because I have to witness such cases where a family murders their own kind just for the sake of reputation. To hell with it. What is the use of such reputation and name if it takes the most precious person away from you.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. Soon enough aarohi was standing in front of me. She was like a breath of fresh air. With those short curls, round eyes and chubby face. She was cuteness personified. Did she even know that I had a huge crush on her since the college times? Maybe not. She might have not even noticed me.

"Reyansh, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead!"

"Were you by any chance in the PAG, chembur University?"

The question had knocked all present air out of me. So she does remember. Shit...

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