Pt. 1

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When the Queen chose a lowly commoner, one of the Outer City, as the next in line for the throne, a complete uproar was caused. People left and right were in shock by her decision.
Though many citizens of the kingdom disagreed and pleaded with the Queen not to allow a commoner into the royal grounds, she refused to listen. She stuck with her choice to bring an Outer City commoner as the new Prince.
After all the attention and disruption the chosen one caused, he decided to remain an invisible force for as long as he possibly could.
As years passed without any shared information about the aging prince, mysteries and rumors spread.
Some sweet, some vile, but to almost everyone he was a complete mystery. And for years that's how it was.
That was why it was a shocking announcement saying that the prince would finally show his face during the knighting ceremony that would be taking place in 5 months. One of those knights being Ambrosius Goldenloin. A direct descendant from Gloreth herself. But of course, said choice wasn't made by the prince, unlike what everybody truly thought.

"You called for me." Ballister stood tall in front of what to most would be a terrifying presence. But to him, not at all. Only palace workers or himself knew how kind the Queen truly was.
"Ballister, you know that you will finally show your face once and for all during the knighting ceremony that will take place in the next 5 months."
"Not by choice." Ballister groaned.
"It's time they knew exactly who you are and will be don't you think?" Valerin smiled as the walked down the steps from her throne.
"You saw how they reacted when it was first announced that a commoner was chosen to be a ruler, how do you think they'll react the moment I make a mistake?" Ballister complained.
Valerin shook her head in disagreement.
"You'll do great, you'll be a king soon."
Ballister sighed, it was a responsibility that he wasn't prepared for.
"Was that all you wanted to tell me about, Mother?" He asked miserably and quite sadly.
"Not all," Valerin smirked.
"What's after...?" Ballister grew suspicious as he saw the smirk crawling onto her face.
"Since you will finally be showing your face, it's clear you will be targeted by traitors of our kingdom."
"That brings me so much excitement for my reveal mother," Ballister exclaimed with much sarcasm.
"So you will have your own personal knight, a bodyguard you could call him."
"Who?" Ballister asked confused perking up at the topic.

"Ambrosius Goldenloin."

Ballister stared in shock.
"No no no no no!"
"Not him!" Ballister shouted. He was not about to be followed around by what he hated the most.
"A direct descendant of Gloreth and top of the program."
"And besides, we already told him." Valerin attempted to convince or at least reason with him.
"Tell me, why do you dislike him," Valerin asked, even though she already knew the answer.
Ballister rolled his eyes. He was never one for fame. He hated it in fact. He always despised ones that would use fame and popularity to their advantage. He could not even begin to express his hatred toward people like Ambrosius. People everywhere always going on and on about him being the descendant of Gloreth. Somebody with pure blood and all, he was completely sickened with it. All of what Ballister felt around such people was information Valerin already knew.
"Mother." Ballister glared at her.
"What kind of proper protection would he provide me with everyone asking to him to sign autographs?" Ballister complained.
"Ballister sweet, you don't even know him." Valerin still tried to convince him to change his mind.
"I know celebrities, their all the same mother. Always using those around them for their own reputation and self-gain."
"And Goldenloin especially! He's just such a flamboyant person. I may not know him personally, but I cannot imagine someone with his popularity to not act like a utter snob." Ballister spoke every word directly from his mind.
"I think you should give him a chance." Valerin tried to reason one last time.
Ballister rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But one failure coming from him and any other knight 'protecting' me in the future, and they are done."
Ballister huffed.
"Deal." Valerin agreed.
Ballister scoffed and walked out of the throne room in annoyance and anger. He walked himself down to the training facility he would always go to.

He also especially hated the stereotype of all royalty being known as weak or feeble. Like he need some man to protect him from others like he was some kind of twig.

Ballister always had a set schedule he would usually always follow.

He would always set a time for himself to train on his own knighting skills.
Although he often sticks to his schedules, he didn't today, he exceeded his training time far past what was written.
Too pissed off at the fact he needed some cocky celebrity to save and protect him like he's some damsel in distress.

He stood in the training room, defeated every level through pure angered powered strength.
He was tired and over-exercised to the point he could've had just fallen and died right there if the only thing keeping him up was himself thinking he could do better and his hatred for being followed around by Goldenloin weren't there floating around his head.
He stood in the center of the training room, panting every breath. He still felt the smallest bit of pent-up anger bubbling beneath his skin. He suddenly threw his sword across the room to extinguish that feeling. The sword pierced itself deep into the wall, almost even through. Its placement being centimeters beside the opened door.

Wait what? An opened door?

Ballister saw a glimpse of light through the opened door from the corner of his eyes. He remembered locking the door. Curiously he glanced over toward the light.
And there he was...

Ambrosius Goldenloin.

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