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The Knighting Ceremony.
Only the biggest day of Ballister's life. No biggie.
Nothing could prepare him for this.
Ok, maybe something...

"Ballister!? Why aren't you dressed!?" Valerin yelled in disbelief when she saw her son preparing to leave the castle.
"Don't worry Mother!"
"I'll be back super soon!" Ballister rushed out the door.
"Ballister!" Valerin shouted in worry.
Ballister stopped at the door.
Valerin walked up to Ballister. Her heels hitting the ground.
"You are ready right?"
"As ready as I can be.."
Valerin looked upset at Ballister's answer.
"Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."
"Just meeting up with someone to calm my-...both of our nerves."
Valerin laughed already knowing who it was.
"Make sure Ambrosius gets there on time too."
"The director really wants things to go her way." Valerin snickered.
Ballister's face went red.
"We're meeting in front of the institute building!" He immediately ran out of the palace.

"Ambrosius!" Ballister panted out as he met Ambrosius in front of the institute building.
Ballister was completely mesmerized by the golden shine radiating off of his newfound lover. It had been a while since he saw him in it. But it seemed they added some new touches.
"A bit much, but the best they can give for the 'direct descendant of Gloreth' and stuff." Ambrosius mocked.
"You look great." Ballister complimented.
"Thanks, Bal." Ambrosius placed a kiss on Ballister's forehead.
"You'll do great Ambrosius," Ballister spoke only the truth.
"You will be there right?"
Ballister laughed at the stupidity of his question.
"Of course, I have front-row seats." Ballister wasn't technically lying.
"What about that surprise you were telling me about?" Ambrosius smirked.
"It'll happen during the ceremony." Putting much emphasis on 'during'.
"How are you going to surprise me during the ceremony?" Ambrosius whined in confusion.
Ballister's mood suddenly changed into a saddened state.
"You really don't have to tell me about this surprise if you don't want."
"You always get uncomfortable around the topic of the surprise."
"I'll be fine if you don't tell me." Ambrosius held Ballister's hands tight.
Ballister brushed off the feeling.
"It's gonna get revealed today either way."
"Just promise me something...please," Ballister begged.
"Promise you'll still be with me after this. I don't want you to not trust me anymore. To not believe in me any-"
"I promise Bal."
"Stop worrying me." Ambrosius cupped Ballister's cheek.
"You sure?"
Ballister relaxed at Ambrosius's answer.
"Ambrosius Goldenloin!" They heard the director shout.
"I got to go!"
"See you later!" Ambrosius snuck a quick kiss and ran into the building.
Ballister smiled.
He quickly ran back home to prepare himself for his final...reveal. Whether or not he was fully prepared.

"Your Highness." A knight bowed.
"The ceremony has started, you may want to change quickly."
Ballister thanked the knight and ran up to the change.

Ballister stood before the entrance to the large room holding all the citizens. Everybody in the kingdom ready to know who the Prince of their kingdom was.
His once calmed nerves started to flare up again.
He heard the director's voice from behind.
"Ah, director."
"Are you ready?" She smiled at him.
"Can't say I am," Ballister admitted.
"Don't worry yourself."
"Everything will go great." The director reassured the stressed man.
"Thank you, director." Ballister smiled. The director gave him a nod as she walked out to take her place beside the Queen.
The announcing voice you could hear from where Ballister stood.
Muffled behind the shut doors.

Ambrosius and all the other knights stood in parallel lines. Everybody ready for the Prince's reveal.
"Please ready yourself for the hidden prince of this kingdom."
"An outsider found by Queen Valerinz."
"An invisible yet powerful force."

"Prince Ballister Boldheart!"

Ambrosius's eyes widened.

The doors opened wide.
Ballister flinched at the bright light shining into his eyes.
The once loud room was silent.
Everyone's eyes were glued to the entrance.
Waiting to see what the Prince looked like.
Ballister took a deep breath.
The moment was here.
What he was kept hidden for his whole life was finally being revealed. Ready to be either judged or admired.
Either way. This was his moment. Whether he wanted it or not.
He took his step forward.
As he finally stepped out of the shadows the crowd started whispering.
Ballister kept his hands hidden behind his back as he walked down the carpet.
His face held no emotion. Although the only emotion he felt inside was anxiety, a mountain of hidden anxiety.
His outfit traced with blue gems and white lace.
The shiny shades of blue fabrics shimmering in the yellow light along with his navy cloak with a golden interior, laced edge, and shoulder pads waving in the air.
The royal crown shining upon his head.
Ambrosius stared in shock as he saw his usual expressive lover walking down the royal aisle being revealed as the hidden prince.
The crowd whispered as Ballister kept walking up toward the Queen.
He soon approached the two aisles of knights.
He continued his walk down the carpet.
He didn't dare look at Ambrosius.
He was horrified by what he might see.

A face of disgust?
One of betrayal?
Pure dislike?

He didn't want to risk it.
Soon he approached the steps to Queen Valerin.
"You're doing so well." She whispered to Ballister.
"The crowd seems to disagree," Ballister replied.
"Don't worry."
"They'll love you."
Ballister felt unsure on the correctness of said quote.
He looked over Valerin's shoulder.
The director nodded and smiled at Ballister. He repeated the motion back.
Soon a loud uproar boomed from the crowd.
Cheering galore.
Ballister looked around in shock.
"See," Valerin said quite smugly.
Ballister rolled his eyes with a soft smile glued to his face.
He took a bow toward the Queen and stepped away to the side. It was now the knight's turn.
He finally saw Ambrosius's face.
It wasn't one of disgust, betrayal, dislike, or even hatred.

Instead, Ballister saw Ambrosius shaking his head with a smile plastered on his face.
A soft expression.
A stupid smile.
One of realization.
Nothing on Ambrosius's face represents any sort of resentment.
Absolutely nothing.

He had that same smile as he walked up the stepped toward the Queen. He kneeled down in the face of the her presence. He took out his sword and offered it up to Valerin.
"Ambrosius Goldenloin."
"Do you swear to protect Prince Boldheart with your life," Valerin smirked.
"Absolutely," Ambrosius replied in a lovestruck tone only Ballister and Valerin could recognize.
"I hereby pronounce you."
"Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin."
As Ambrosius stood up and placed the sword back into his scabbard, still with that stupid smile Valerin whispered something only Ballister and Ambrosius heard.
"Break my son's heart and I swear on your ancestor that your head will not be attached to your body."
Ambrosius gulped back his worry.
"Yes ma'am..."
"Mother..." Ballister sighed to himself.
Ambrosius walked toward Ballister and stood right behind him.
"This is the surprise isn't it?" Ambrosius seemed smug.
"Do you still like me?" Ballister asked with uncertainty.
Ballister relaxed at the response.
"Seems like I'm never being separated from you now." Ambrosius grinned.
"Seems so." Ballister chuckled.

The last knight finally stepped forward. Sword in hands. His hands were violently shaky. His expression showed clear hidden fear.
Valerin was not that scary right?
Right as the final knight was pronounced the knight's sword opened up.
A green light shone through.
Ballister tensed up.
What was happening?
Soon enough a bright green light shot at the Queen launch in her back.

"MOTHER!" Ballister screamed as he ran toward her.

Ambrosius was quick to notice another knights aim focusing onto Ballister. Sword drawn and ready.

"BAL WATCH OUT!" Ambrosius ran in front of Ballister to block the attack.


Ambrosius's arm landed onto the ground. The metal armor hitting the ground surface with a silent shriek.
"Ambrosius ..."
Blood spilled from Ambrosius's shoulder. But he refused to fall down.
He kept his sword up with his other arm.
He swore to protect Ballister with his life.
Other knights held the both traitorous knights back but accidentally changed the beam's aim into the air and onto the chandelier.
Ballister found himself in an unimaginable position.
Ambrosius losing blood at an alarming rate along with his dying mother laying on the floor with the director running toward her.
"Boldheart made me do it!"
"He made me kill the Queen so he could get the throne!" The knights cried out.
"What-!?" Ballister shouted but he heard the chandelier breaking from its ceiling point. He didn't have time to argue or prove himself innocent.
He couldn't get to the Queen in time.
He rushed toward Ambrosius as the chandelier fell and sunk down the floor.

"Arrest them."
"Search the area!" Were the last muffled sentences Ballister heard as he dragged Ambrosius and himself out of the palace.

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