Interview with OrphanBlood

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

Their is this site I've encountered on this particular day called Omegle. As I was browsing through chats looking for someone with similar interests, I became connected to someone whom enjoyed writing. So, after chatting a bit, they recommended me to start writing on Wattpad. I was like" what's that?" They responded of course by saying" It's a site where you can do numerous things. You can: read, write, join threads in diverse categories and even make friends!" Right after the stranger sent the message, I thanked them and I disconnected from the chat. From Omegle to a friend restating what the stranger have said about this site. This is how I got to Wattpad and became who I am on it as of today.

What do you think you'll be doing now if you hadn't discovered Wattpad?

Well of course I wouldn't be writing any type of work. :( Since I wouldn't be sharing it to millions of other users here on Wattpad. I wouldn't have all my Wattpad friends. So I probably would be geared more toward another social networking site to spend my time. Maybe Tumblr or Pinterest. I love apps where I can meet people from all around the world that I share interests with.

What inspired you to write?

I was on this other app called Meow Chat. *IKR!, I mentioned a bunch of apps already.* But I was chatting with a girl. Who was a friend of mine at the time. She mentioned a story she was reading on Wattpad. I asked what was it about and what drew her into reading it. Then I said later on in our chat" let's make a story together!" We role played with the story back and forth. Until she quit the idea. I kept going because she wasn't good with creativity. That's why she quit. I wrote more, she read it and I was making parts for it several times a day. That same story is on my Wattpad page entitled "Discovering the Truth". Her name is even in it. All of this began last summer.

Have you ever got writer's block? If so, how do you overcome it?

Oh my god, yes I have! I am currently having writer's block for one of my main stories. Not all together writer's block but it does tie in with my laziness as well. I buckle down just as if I'm preparing for a final exam in college. I go back over the last chapter I wrote. Concentration is key for this whole thing to work properly. I let my imagination run wild with ideas. Set yourself aside from fictional and nonfictional story-lines and take a leap. :D

From all the books you've written, which one is your favourite?

I would have to Psycho Killer. Simply because I feel that I've put more time into it and I have more content within it. Than everything else I've written and shared on Wattpad.

Have you written any stories before you joined Wattpad?

Sadly, I have not. Because I never gave writing a chance outside of school assignments. I've written so much in school and I just threw writing to the side. Until I started using my imagination and creativity to make it fun! Instead of writing just to receive a grade.

What do you like/dislike the most about Wattpad?

I really love hanging out at the cafe amongst other Wattpadders. All of the funny threads in this club, draws my attention in the most! It's makes me think I'm hanging out with my real life friends. We all are just on different screens talking amongst one another. I really the stories here. Its like a gigantic online library, with amateur writers trying to make a name for themselves. While we also have accomplished writers who are already big timers in this writing industry. There's a category for them all and its even rated by content. The same way movies have a rating. That way you'll know what your getting yourself into before you go to the theater to watch it. With the good their comes the bad. I believe the mods in the cafe have gone above their heads in closing down "friend making threads". Also including "no topic like threads". I've read a post someone made in a thread saying that, after a few pages of discussing the topic at hand. The thread becomes a thread of complete randomness, in terms of conversation. The topic is discussed and we're now back at basic conversations between Wattpadders within a thread. I can't say how threads used to be a few years ago, but according to others here, the mods were more lenient and users had more in the cafe. All in all, I've seen some completely topic less threads and their still up. Thinks momentarily... I dislike how the Wattpad app has changed. I wish I didn't even update the app. The notification system is gone. Whenever I message my friends here, it doesn't really notify me when I receive a new message. So I have to constantly check it and refresh it. The notifications from threads don't even show up anymore. Just like any other site you become apart of, you'll have to watch out for the people you become in contact with. Their is catfishing on this site and those who make fake accounts to lure you in. Be on the look out!

Who's your favourite Wattpad author and book?

As of now, since I haven't really indulged myself in a whole lot of reading. I would have to say @AzraJiffrey. Her book is called "Past and Present".

Do you listen to music while you write? What kind of music?

I find myself better off when I'm not listening to music during a writing session. Because without it, I'm better off at focusing on what I write. Only when I'm leveled headed on what I've decided on writing. Then I'll bring out some killer rap/r&b singles. I never stay up to date with music selections. I just keep my current music on replay. I absolutely love J. Cole's latest album called Forrest Hills Drive. Every song on the album, makes me get in the mood to write on Google Docs. If anyone have any recommendations for these genres, they are gladly appreciated!

In Psycho Killer, can you relate to any characters in the book?

I can honestly say, I don't relate to the characters in Psycho Killer. Valerie is this insane woman, locked away at Shady Homes Asylum. Her twisted ways and her egotistic schemes are total psycho bananas! Kate on the other hand is just a preppy young woman interviewing the lunatic until things go wrong. Later finding herself locked away herself. But in some retrospects I can relate to her. Because of her motivation to break free from the shackles of Zane. Plus let's not forget her slick use of trickery into getting what she wants. I can also relate to that. There's not much for Zane. A criminal mastermind at work is all I will say for him. Along with officer James getting tied up in all of this mess. The other characters don't play major parts in bringing this whole thing together. :D

If you could travel to any place in the world (even in movies/TV shows), where would it be?

I would love to go to Pasadena, California. That's the set location for the The Big Bang Theory. I would love to visit the cast. Especially Jim Parsons.

Who's your favourite actor and actress?

Jim Parsons and Alison Brie

If a famous director decided to make a movie out of Psycho Killer, how will you react and feel?

I would be super duper excited about it! I would be like its not even finished yet and I would love to work with a team of writers to continue it. It's so refreshing to know that someone loves your work that much! <3

Would you volunteer to act as one of the characters in your book?

Yes of course. I will love to play as Zane. Because he is completely different than me and I'll be playing as someone who is on the edge.

Would you like to say anything to your friends/supporters? Any special shout outs?

I would like to thank everyone on the gigantic world of Wattpad. I will give special shout outs to the following people who have been friends and supporting me this entire time on Wattpad. @Parrot @Spring_June @CrossedSoul @TheBlackHouseElf @popcornnom @DarkElf_58 @stars_are_MAGIC @NatFelicia @brokenbutshining @namelessnascent @ThatShyNerd @laurajud @Panderbearwolf @Epstein-aleik @BlackBloodyRose0617 @BlackMagic96 @Christy_Babe @Elenaceju

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