Interview with GrimReapersDaughter1

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

My friends on another app actually told me about it. I was confused as to what it was, so I downloaded it. That was 2 years ago, and I'm so glad they recommended it because if they didn't I would probably not be.. Me!

What inspired you to write?

It was a long time dream of mine to take up writing, especially in the fictional genre. I always loved reading and writing, and it helped me express myself.

What's your favourite top three genre?

My favorite top three genres would have to be fiction, fantasy, and realistic fiction.

What's the best/worst feature on Wattpad?

The best feature for me is messaging/PM. It allows me to communicate with fans and friends! The worst would have to be the constant little parts where I'm not able to read messages in my inbox//message boards. 

Of all books that you have written, which one is your favourite?

Probably "Love Finds People In Twisted Places." I cringed as I reread the earlier chapters in my later times of writing, but it's my favorite because that book allowed me to meet people who actually liked my work and new friends!

Can you relate to any characters of that book?

And yes I can! I found out that I relate to both Mike and Nic in my AU!

Are you going to make a series out of this book?

Yes, I'm actually in the process of writing chapter three of the sequel right now!

What's your favourite book on Wattpad, and who's your favourite on Wattpad?

I love a lot of books, so that's quite hard to choose, haha! But one of the books I enjoy a lot at the moment is "Dude, You're So Weird." By EmolynTheCloset. My favorite author would probably have to be a good buddy of mine, GayCreep.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?

Yes, I do. I usually listen to the band Hollywood Undead. Sometimes Twenty One Pilots or Three Days Grace.

Have you ever had writer's block? If you did, how did you overcome it?

Oh, all the time! It's hard to overcome, though. Sometimes I set my phone down and do something else, like watch television or clean. Then sometimes ideas come to mind. Or I listen to music and I get ideas. It's different each time, haha.

Have you ever traveled around the world? Where was your favourite place?

No, I have not. I'm not much of a traveler and I'm not really adventurous, haha!

Do you have a favourite movie, or TV show? What is it?

I really love the shows "Devious Maids", "Parental Control", "Finding Carter", "Eye Candy", and "Empire". I love the movies "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Orphan".

If you could have any super powers, what would it be?

If I had any superpower it would probably be reality warping or maybe teleportation.

How would you react if a director decided to make a movie out of your book?

I would be very ecstatic and grateful. Even though it will most likely never happen, it would be absolutely amazing. I'd be forever honored.

Would you like to say anything to your friends/supporters on Wattpad? Any special shout outs to anyone in particular?

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me by being so nice and generous. I love you all so much!! I'm so grateful for all of the acceptance and support I've received. Thank you all! <3

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