Interview with NiamhTheDoritoQueen

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

I use to write stories in Qoutev, then a friend of mine, jelsa4ever12  told me about Wattpad. I also use to read stories on Wattpad before I joined.

What inspired you to write?

As a young child I liked imagining up stories, I didn't really read much though. But when I stayed reading I just wanted to write myself. English was always my favourite subject too. :)

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

Fantasy, supernatural, horror.

What's your favourite book and who's your favourite author?

Hmm, that's a tough one. My favorite book has to be... on my good I can't choose. I've read way too many to choose. And my favorite author J. K Rowling :)

Of all books that you've written, which one is your favourite?

I'd have to say 'Disry of a Stuck Up Prick'. There's around 30 chapters and it was really fun to write. I'm thinking of writing a sequal soon.

Will you be sticking with the same characters since it's a sequel?

Yeah, I plan to make it a bit less confusing though. :)

Can you relate to any characters from 'Disry of a Stuck Up Prick'?

Hm, I sometimes can relate to characters from Diary of a Stuck Up Prick. I'd have to say Flora. I usually relate to her personality e.g. Her short temper.

What do you like\dislike about Wattpad?

Likes: Well, I like a lot of things about Wattpad so its hard to just choose some. 

Dislikes: But what I dislike about Wattpad is mostly the bugs. But at least they are getting fixed, but there are some bugs that aren't. They could just be effecting me, but anyway. I hate the fact that online you have to find a link to a photo or video, I think you should also be allowed to upload photos or videos. At the start I did hate the new design but I don't mind know.

Do you listen to music and while writing? If so, what kind.

Yeah, always. I listen to many different kinds. Depending on what I'm writing, for example if I'm writing a more happier light-hearted chapter I will listen to something more up beat.

Have you ever traveled. If so, where?

I don't travel to different countries much. I usually go somewhere like Spain and other years the U.K. I've been to like 4 countries in total.

What's your favourite of all four?

Probably Spain because the weather is great!

If you could travel to any place (even in novels or movie) where would you go?

I would go to Hogwarts or somewhere in the the wizarding world.How would you feel if you're book becomes a movie or show?

Well, I think that would be really cool but I'd be afraid the show/movie might make it terrible. So its kind of hard to say.

Which novel will you choose to publish it as a movie?

This is not a book I wrote on wattpad, though I might. Its about a girl called Ita Flame. Who has supernatrual powers. She has to leave her family to go to another world and stuff. I would like that one to be published into a movie someday.

Would you like to say anything to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs to anyone?

I would like to say, be yourself. Unless you can be Chandler bing . Then be Chandler bing.

I would like to give a shout out to my school senpai IM_A_CRAZY_BOOKSHELF and my good friend Rosebud_The_Goddess.

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