Again - 6

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Good Evening Crazy Family,

Thanks to all the LMA readers, who waited with patience for my updates for last 55 days. Thanks once again for all the love you giving for this LOVE ME AGAIN


"Give the phone to her, seriously I don't want to encourage this behavior of her" PJ shouted at HM over phone

"Leave that, PJ alias Modern Mummy, How long you gonna scold her like this, already she is not doing well" HM said, while looking at KS, who is grumpily listening to her mother's scolding

"Okay, I leave her, but what about you, now you too act like her, I thought you are more responsible and sensible one Haseena, but you too, doing the things according to her wish, without thinking much" PJ said

Hearing this, KS looked at HM, while sitting behind the tab, HM smiled at KS and continued to speak with PJ " PJ, I take this decision after so many thoughts, I am fine working here, and I am earning here too"

"What earning, you got demotion, Haseena" PJ shouted , hearing this, KS face fell

HM looked all these and want to calm the situation "Leave my demotion, but by that I get promotion in my personal life with your daughter" HM said with a smile, while winking at PJ, which made PJ to forget her anger and she fell in HM's trap of making PJ shy

"Leave that PJ, I am happy to be here, that too with your lovable daughter, Already I earned a lot, now this salary is more than enough for me" HM said

PJ nodded her head blankly, as she doesn't like the way her daughter controlled HM's life, but she doesn't want to say anything more on that issue, as HM is okay with that

"Just speak to her, she complained about you, that you didn't speak to her nicely till the time, I came here" HM said, while turning the tab to KS's side

"How are you?" PJ asked KS sternly

KS glared at HM and looked at her mother, and said "I am fine"

"I never thought my daughter would love someone this much, like this falling in sick in love" PJ said with a smile

"I heard the word 'love sick puppy', but now only I get the chance to see that one" PJ said, hearing this, KS gave shy smile at her mother, and they both talked with each other for long, as PJ didn't talked to her well for few days

HM just looked at their mother - daughter bond, which is not less than the best friends bond.

She knows very well about their bond, and about PJ, who is very much friendly, not only with KS, even she is with HM. And how much freedom and support she is giving to KS in everything. The way she understands the younger generation is commendable

KS looked at HM, who is looking at them, and she asked HM as 'what' in action, to which HM nodded her head as NO with a smile

2 weeks later

"Take care, take food on correct time, sleep well" HM said to KS, while standing in Airport to give send off to KS, who is going to some other city for her project for next few weeks

"Don't think that, I am leaving you like this, when you left your project for me like that" KS said

"I can understand this, and I am not a cry baby like you" HM said with a smile, to which she gets a glare from KS

"Always attend my calls" KS warned

"I will attend your calls at any time" HM said

"At 12.00am" KS asked

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