Again - 9

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Life is all about love. Don't be afraid to love and express it. And don't feel bad to move on from that, if you didn't get that love in return

KS entered into their room and looked at HM, who is standing in the balcony and looking at the moon. KS moved towards her and said "Selenophile"

HM remained silent, and KS continued "The person who loves moon"

"There is saying that find someone who loves moon, because they know know to love you when you are not so full" KS said, while looking at Moon

"They can love you, with all your positive and negative"

"And they can adjust" HM stopped KS, and said "There is huge difference in adjustment and understanding, Karishma"

"I always prefer understanding than adjustment" saying this, HM moved towards their room

"I want to speak with you" KS said

"We don't have anything to speak" HM said

"We have MUCH, Mallik"

"We have much" KS shouted

HM stopped in her track and looked at KS, and KS continued "We have much to speak to clear all the things between us. We have to speak, Mallik. I know that, still you love me"

"Not Again" HM said, and tried to move from there

"Why are you running away from me, like this, without speaking with me like this. Relationship is not valuable if we can't speak what we think openly without feeling anything" KS stopped at this, as HM glared at her

"So, I was the one, who doesn't speak about my feelings" HM asked

"I agree, that was my mistake, but now, I don't want to repeat that again" KS said

HM just walked into their room, KS runs behind her and said "We always regret the CHANCES we never took, I don't want to regret like that"

"I said I don't want to speak anything about that, and about regret, sometimes there is no regret, and there is no SECOND CHANCE, life is too short for all this" HM said

(Author's note: Writer me (who wrote one small big story on SECOND CHANCE) ESCAPEEEEEEEE )

"I said I don't want to speak anything about that, and about regret, sometimes there is no regret, and there is no SECOND CHANCE, life is too short for all this" HM said

"Then LOVE ME AGAIN. Never leave me like this, I am incomplete with you. I can understand your anger and now I understand, the one, who have good heart, would have the most dangerous anger" KS said

"I am not angry on you, Karishma, I am just angry on myself. Just leave that. Please, I don't want to speak about that. We all heal from the things, we don't talk about" saying this, HM took pillow in her hand and moved towards couch

"Where are you going" KS asked

"To sleep" saying this, HM placed the pillow on couch

"You can sleep on bed, right" KS asked

"I am comfortable here" saying this, HM sits on the couch

KS looked at HM for a while and said "If that you want, you can sleep on bed, I will sleep on couch, as for your height, you won't feel comfortable in that couch"

"I will adjust" HM said

KS smiled at HM and said "I understand that you will be more comfortable in bed, as you said understanding is far better than adjustment" while moving towards HM

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