Again - 10

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NM looked at them suspiciously as she felt something wrong between them, but for time being she chose to remain silent

"You guys did so many changes in this house, after my last visit" NM said, while scanning the house

PJ smiled at NM and said "Actually, we didn't change anything for last 6 months, everything is there as it is from last 6 months"

"What, this stupid girl, didn't change anything for last 6 months, quite surprising" NM said, while looking at HM

KS glared at PJ and said "Its not like that, Ammi. We both are busy in our work and we doesn't have time for all these things"

NM nodded her head and said "If you both, don't have time for these things means, its okay fine, but I feel, you both don't have time for each other as well "

"Nothing like that, Ammi. Just come with me, I will show the changes we did in past year" saying this, KS takes Ammi with her

HM and PJ looked at each other and continued to look at the duo

KS explaining the changes they did in the house and giving the reason for all the little things to Ammi, which surprises both HM and PJ, as she never showed interest in these, when they did those things

While explaining that, KS looked at HM and remembered, how happily and enthusiastically HM explains, the reasons for each thing, she do.

"And here, my favorite wall in this entire house" saying this, KS stands in front of the wall, which has numerous photo collections

"Your favorite" NM asked, while looking at the wall

HM looked at that and remembered their

"Delivery for Ms. Singh" Delivery man said

"Karishma Singh, Delivery for you" saying this, HM left from the door step

KS gets that from delivery boy and looked at HM and PJ, who were busy with some gossips

"Seriously, I don't know, what they will speak with each other, full day" thought this, KS moved towards them and said "Today, I am gonna occupy this place"

"What you gonna do" PJ asked

"Surprise" KS said, while looking at HM

"Now you both go to your rooms, you have to come here only, after I asked" KS said

HM looked at her like 'what'

"Go, and you have to come here only, after I asked for" saying this, KS pulled HM from the couch and pushed HM towards their room

"Karishma Singh" Before HM could say anything KS pushed her into room and locked her

After one Eternity, KS called both HM and PJ

"Show me your surprise" saying this, PJ comes to her

"Surprise is for my Mallik" saying this, KS looked at HM

"What is this?" HM asked, while pointing the curtain over the wall

"Just remove that one" KS said, HM removed that, while KS clapped and cheered her for that, PJ looked at her daughter weirdly

HM looked at the wall with a surprise and said "Ye.."

"Its my Mallik's wall - Just for the pictures through my Mallik's lens" KS said, while looking at HM, who is looking at a wall in complete shock and surprise

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