Again - 15

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"I hope you understand. Because Ms. Mallik, doesn't know about all this, don't force me to do that" SS said with a smirk, while looking at KS

KS gritted her teeth, and glared at SS and said "Who the hell you are, to blackmail me, like this, I will say this by myself to Mallik. Will see and I won't allow you to use this against me"

SS smiled at KS and said "Will see"

KS glared at her, "I will, that too, by today itself" saying this, KS left from there


"Karishma Singh" HM said, while looking at KS, who is standing at the doorstep

KS smiled at the HM, who is standing at the doorstep in shock. 

"I think you won't allow me to enter into home" KS said, while moving forward to HM and hugged her

"Its not like that, just I was surprised" HM said, while hugging her back

"Haseena, who is that" asking this, PG comes to them

Hearing PG's voice, KS loosened her grip over HM and looked at PG and then at HM

"We bought some new plants for our Flat. And we are organizing that" HM said, while moving inside the house

"Hi" PG said to KS with a smile

"HEllo" KS said

HM just looking at KS, and KS who saw that, asked "Why are you looking at me, like this"

"I am not looking, I am just thinking" HM said

"Okay guys, I will leave now, you guys will speak" PG said

"Hey, wait, why are you leaving like this. Just now we returned from shopping" HM said, but stopped by PG again

"We will arrange everything morning. Good night" saying this, PG left from there

KS looked at HM, who is looking at the doorstep, which PG left from there, asked "What are you thinking, while looking at me"

"How PJ and HEnry are doing?" HM asked, while moving towards kitchen and asked "Did you drink something or eat something?"

"I asked you, what you thought" KS asked, while following HM

"I will make coffee for you" saying this, HM takes some coffee beans

KS sits in the slab and looked at HM sternly, as she doesn't answer her questions, HM smiled at this and said "I was thinking that, suddenly what made my wife to come here, that too, in week days. But trust me, I am super happy that, you take your time and come here to meet me"

Hearing this, KS thinks for a while, how to say the things she did. HM looked at this and asked "Is there is anything bothering you or you have any issues"

"No.. No...Nothing. I came here for " KS stopped at this, and looked at HM, who is intently listening to her

Seeing HM's serious worried face, KS said "I came here, just to meet you". Hearing this, HM exhaled her breath and said "I was afraid"

"Here is, your coffee" saying this, HM forwards her cup of coffee, KS takes that with a smile and she opens her mouth to say something, but before that, she hears HM's words "I missed preparing coffee for you, like this"

Hearing this, a smile crept on KS's face and said, "Me tooo, Missed your coffee a lot"

"Not only this, I missed everything I did, you did and we did" HM said, while taking KS free hand in her's and started to caress that

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