Again - 8

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"Did you bring Henry" asking this, PJ takes her seat

"No, PJ" saying this, HM looked at KS

"Its better, because I can't handle him against Karishma" PJ said with a smile, which hurts KS.

"Leave that PJ, Pooja will take care of him well" HM said, while sipping her tea

PJ looked at HM for a while, upon hearing this, HM looked at this and said "Pooja is more like me, PJ" saying this, HM exhaled her breath, to which PJ just nodded her head, somewhere she doesn't feel good, even though she supports HM in her decision one side, her other side feel for her daughter

"Pooja is very good FRIEND of mine, PJ" HM said as she understood PJ's feeling

"Yeah, she is more like you" PJ said

HM nodded her head and said "Yeah she is"

KS gets up from her seat and started to move towards her room, listening all this. PJ looked at her daughter sadly, and asked HM to take some rest in their room

"I will use guest room, PJ" saying this, HM gets up from couch

PJ looked at HM and thinks for a while and said "Haseena, I think its better if you stay in your room, means, Karishma's room"

"Its ok" PJ stopped HM in mid and said " It wouldn't be good in front of Noor Ji. Better stay in that room"

HM looked at her, and PJ continued "You both are friends at first, so its not wrong to share room with her, for last few days"

"Last few days" murmuring this, HM nodded her head and moved towards their room

HM entered into their room and looked at KS, who is standing in balcony. She kept her luggage and take some cloths to change, KS turned and looked at HM, who is taking her cloths

"Its been Six months, you left from here completely. After that, today only you came here" saying this, KS comes inside their room

"Its not Six month, its more than that Karishma" HM said, while getting up from floor after taking cloths from her bag

KS remained silent, and HM continued " I left this room a long ago, Karishma"

"Yeah, I left. But you made me to move from here, Karishma" saying this, HM left to change her dress

Hearing this, tears are brimmed in her eyes "I did that, but why you don't understand that I did many things in haste. When yourself knows that, then why you can't" thought this, KS thought this, while wiping her tears


"Wait.. Wait" shouting this, KS comes to HM, who is going to gets into PG's car to pick up her mother from Airport

HM looked at KS, who is breathing abnormally, due to the running

"I.. I.."

" I too come with you to Pick up Ammi" KS said, HM just looked at her

"If I won't come, then it won't look good" KS said, HM thinks for a while and nodded her head, and gets into car

KS gets into back seat. PG smiled at her and asked "How is PJ?"

"She is fine" KS answered and started to look outside. PG smiled at her and asked HM " At what time landing?"

"We have time, don't worry" saying this, HM switched on music player in PG's car

Why this Kolaveri song from 3 movie played

HM left that like that, KS looked at this surprisingly, asked "You always listen to the songs, which has meaningful lyrics"

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