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QOTD : I asked God for a full of love and happiness , He sent me my Family ... 


Its the time we finally reached Mumbai . Coming out of the airport finally the freshness in the air of India touched the body giving the warm welcome to us . No matter but the old - fashioned things like air and memories are hard to beat . For once I thanked the god that it wasn't raining here , because I have the very bad experience on this airport all times as it always rains so heavily . I sighed in the cold air and pulled my bag ahead and following Kartik to the car his family sent for us. No matter things changes , I could imagine that if mom and dad would have been here they would have been overjoyed seeing me and came to pick me up and we would have just celebrated the day but its nothing more like this now . 

We moved to the car probably standing there and waiting for Mr. goenka and elders to come , they had the flight after us because of the seats were full in our flight . I slided myself shifting to the car and standing taking its support just to scroll my phone .. Kartik had gone few minutes ago to have coffee for three of us i.e. Me , him , Natasha ; But to his dismay or maybe luck Natasha followed him back there .. Goshh , she is so clingy .

I know she do think that there's something between me and kartik since the morning thing , but I don't care .. Why should I ? Its there matter whatever they want to do and all .. 

And here I see Natasha and Kartik coming , Hand in hand and just like a couple thing . Kartik had two cups in his two hands and natasha had one in her hand and her other hand was across kartik's arm . I don't know whether Kartik was willing to let her hold his hand or something but they were walking with a casual smile .

I don't know which Kartik I should trust , the one who was with me all of the time since morning or the one who is with Natasha right now

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I don't know which Kartik I should trust , the one who was with me all of the time since morning or the one who is with Natasha right now . I averted my gaze from them to my cell phone trying to act like I didn't noticed them . I don't want Kartik to feel that I care for what he is with me . I was just trying to ignore their presence and was just looking at my phone's screen . Just within a moment Kartik without speaking anything just raised his hand to give coffee to me and I acted like , " Oh , you are back !! Thanks for this "  .

And still Natasha's hand were on Kartik's hand and for it I just passed Kartik a smile and grabbed my cup from his hand averting my gaze back to my phone . It was something 20 minutes we were on the airport waiting for Mr. Goenka and yeah he was finally back now . So we just adjusted ourselves in the car . 

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