13. Fun Time..

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QOTD : The best of the things in life are always unexpected.


*Naira's Pov*

I was entering inside with the bestest smile on my face and I bumped into the muscular chest , making me fall down the stairs . I couldn't help so I closed my eyes on the fear of falling down , but the muscular hand of the person covered my waist making me go collide with his chest again . I just opened my eyes feeling that I hadn't fell down , But couldn't see anything due to the hairs on my face . The person in front of me tucked my hairs behind the ears , and here I could see the person's face and it was Kartikkk.....

I stared at him still frightened of the thing that I might have fell down , my heart already pumping fastly and feeling that Kartik is holding me from this closer was also making me go crazy . Just inches apart and still his hand on my waist and my one of the hand on his shoulder and other on his chest . Now I know why the girls go crazy about him ...

His body is so fit , this couldn't be seen within the shirt but once you feel it , you are gone , you are gone to the different world . Godd , what am I even thinking ?? Shittt , no this is not me .

I feel like who would be the lucky girl , who gets a chance to adore his muscular chest . Aghh , no you are all taking me wrong I m not talking about myself but the girl who would marry him .

We still in the same position , and just staring each other . If it would have been any room , I swear we would have kissed for sure . But since it was the staircase , we were interupted by Dadi. She was just staring us in that position . I quickly pulled of myself , unaware I was still on staircase I was again going to fall down . To which again Kartik helped me come back to my normal position . I was hella awkward not knowing how to confront Dadi after this drip of moment.

We just moved from there with the fastest speed so we could escape the place asap . Thank god .... I hushed as I reached my room. I shutted the door and jumped on my bed in the sleeping position , afterall it was all hectic day. I met Maya today. We were just damn emotional seeing each other after a long time , We talked about every single thing took place at time when we were not together. 

This madam shocked me by telling that she have been in the relationship just after I went to California , I mean how could she even ... And she didn't even told me who the guy is , Such a secret keeper.. 

Its true , its true that friendship changes when one of the friends gets into relationship.. I just spinned all over my bed just thinking that what flaws should I take out from this day , when it was just all perfect. 

I drifted into the sleep thinking of all this , and this has to be the best sleep after a long time. 


I woke up yawning and my eyes grabbed the attention towards clock , which shocked me as it was 7:45 and I needed to be at diner in fifteen minutes . I jumped off my bed , and quickly got freshen up.. You know how it feels like seeing everyone already on their places and you be late again ? And this was the only thing I could feel now ..

I went downstairs in such a hurry and got on table , and wished everyone . I couldn't even think of another thing as I saw Swarna aunty serving my favourite breakfast . My mouth was watery already and I was waiting for Swarna aunty to reach my side but she just sat at her place after serving to everyone from house except me. I really didn't liked her this behaviour for me , but I couldn't help it. I just grabbed an apple and dadi just looked at me through the pitiful eyes , I knew she wanted to speak but she didn't wanted to create ruckus during the eating time.

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