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Naira's pov : 

I seriously got startled when he touched me from my back thinking who the hell was the person to do that in the same position I turned back to see it was none other than Kartik , I don't know why but we got lost in each other's eye and within this i was to late to notice that Kartik had holded me through my waist and in the spin of the moment I was lost in his very deep eyes which were empty of something I don't know what !! 

But then as Natasha stomped her feet in jealousy or anger , God she only knows why so !! But because of it we were out of our eye contact and kartik have a smile to me scratching his neck and just said that , Thanks for helping to get rid of Natasha !!

And i was like was he looking at me or at Natasha all of this time , I was somewhere happy about the moment we had but then just suddenly brushed off my feelings... I went out with the cup of tea in my hand served all of them to all the house members !! I was so lost like to see Natasha and kartik together and my little mind pumped in my head , " if he wanted to get rid of Natasha why is he talking to her then !! "  This was right to think and why not my mind say that and for the very first time in my life I agreed with my mind and that yeah that's something impossible thing because I always argued with him !!  My mind called out again , " Gurl , get off this thoughts why do you care whatever it is between them they know why should you worry  "

And I just moved out of the thoughts and My lost world ,  Getting in the car I saw Kartik and Natasha talking together... I know they are the son and daughter of the two business partners they do have a future together !! But why did Kartik just back hugged me to get rid of Natasha when he is now talking to her so sweetly outside the car !! I know kartik has still not forgiven me maybe so that's why to take revenge on me he started with this .. Natasha and Kartik together moved toward the car and saw me already sitting in it !! 

Kartik had started to drive but I could see him staring at me from the mirror , like I can't ignore it really but I tried my best to do so !! Natasha was trying to take his attention all over the ride like she is literally a spoiled brat I could have seen !! Why the fuck kartik is looking at me , God please ask him to concentrate on the ride I don't want to be dead before meeting my  gurl *over dramatic me spoken closing eyes*  I feel like just going to India asap and just hug her to the core, I know she would slap me first for not calling her for all this time and not even replying her messages back !! I swear to the god If we meet I m going to live with her no doubts like I don't wanna live with this Kartik thing !! Yk always he would do like he did today and I won't be able to take it anymore it was already a heavy dose today !!  I could have just slapped him today but I controlled my hand to get on his cheeks just because he spoke that he was doing to get rid of Natasha !! 

I was so bored with the ride and also when kartik goenka is having eye on me like I m going to jump off the running car !! And with a frustrated mouth I finally spoke , " Mr. Goenka I m not that mad to jump off the car , so can you please stop staring me and concentrate on driving " and as I said this he choked  and just looked straight avoiding my gaze !! And I m so proud of  myself to say that !! And Natasha glared Kartik angrily like he commited any sin !!

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