Chapter 4

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Gail's POV

I went up to my room and changed to jeans and another sweat shirt. At least the rain seems to have stopped. I brushed my hair and put it up on a ponytail with my favorite scrunchy. I went downstairs to find everyone there already with three adults I didn't know,  I am guessing they are the guests.

While looking at them I happened to connect eyes with the young man who was visiting and it was like time froze. I suddenly got this warm feeling in my tummy. He was also looking straight into my eyes and it felt like He was locking directly into my soul.

After what felt like forever, but was only just seconds, I heard a throat being cleared. I came out of my daze with a sheepish smile and I scratched the back of my neck, looking up to see the visiting lady looking annoyed with me. I looked to Mama Faith and she gave me an apologetic smile and called me to come in.

Mama Faith introduced all the children and staff and called out one special thing about them. She also introduced the guests to us. I was surprised to hear 'my distractor' was a big shot CEO but he looked young for the position, but then I suppose it would be easy for him seeing it was his family's business.

After the introductions and some small interaction with the guests, Mama Faith took them for a tour that will end with her office.

As they stood up, I couldn't help but notice Ethan's eyes on me.

Ethan's POV

As Faith was busy talking about the children and the orphanage I couldn't help but day dream about the girl was came in last, Gail. I felt this connection towards her that I couldn't place. Her sheepish smile mesmerized me so much I didn't listen to anything bring said and I was happy she was looking at me too.

I felt my dad touch my shoulder, it was as if he saw right through me and my moment with Gail. I need to find her information.

We went through the house as we were shown outside first, the rain had stopped. The was a playground with minimal toys and there was a beautiful garden. I was excited to learn Gail has green thumbs. She is one of the people who took care of the garden and it was beautiful.

We taken back inside the house and shown all the rooms and we ended up in Faith's office.

I took the lead in this conversation as I was very interested to have them added on to our CSR programs and I will also make personal donations.

I asked Faith how much it was to effectively run the place so as to ensure we can assist. She gave a figure but she didn't look too sure. I then suggested she rather send me their financial records and I will have our accountant assess them and cone up with a figure. She agreed. Now I was trying to ask about Gail but not directly, I know my mom will suspect my intentions so I asked to randomly see files of of the children and what type of information and records they kept on them.

Faith seemed to have caught on to me and with a knowing smile she took me to her filing room and sent my parents back to the living room and instructed the children to entertain them with their talents

She came back and went straight to the point "Ethan, you seem to have been captured by Gail, am I correct?". I gave her a small smoke knowing I was busted but still tried to divert "Faith, I was just interested with the files and information to see how we can help you keep them safe and maybe electronic." Faith didn't believe me "so is that what you are going with?" I gave her a small smile and said "yes". She then took out five files and handed them to me and Gail's was not there. I had to think of a way to probe without further suspicion and remembered she looked much older than the other children. I know legislation is strict and they do inspect once in a while.

Taking that as my 'official' opening, I went ahead a boldly asked "Faith, how old is Gail and remind me of the law around age?" She looked said and sat down. "Ethan, Gail is coming off age in six months, the law kicks her out of the system then". I thought that was too soon and asked further "so is Gail currently going to school?" Faith looked up at me with a look I didn't recognize and said "Gail is super smart and graduated high school early". It felt like she was hiding something but I don't know her well to probe that further. I took this opportunity and asked if Gail can interview to work for me.

Faith looked sceptical and asked me directly "Ethan is this a pyre work opportunity or is there something romantic going on there?" It was my turn to give a sheepish smile and I answered straight "Faith, I have a connection with her. I will give her a job and train her while I get to know her and get her to trust me, and hope for it to be more."

She decided to make me a copy of Gail's file and handed it to me.

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