sea of tears

32 4 4

I still remember, your voice

Giving me rejoice

From the very first moment, I thought I knew you

And although you always played to be nice

Your truths were always lies

It's crazy how after five months of infinite conversations

Infinite promises

Infinite memories

You left me sailing aimlessly in the deep sea, full of my tears

Discovering how silence sounds

And how sleepless nights with no coast in sight feel like

I didn't want to believe it, but I can tell it's true

You know

You and her...

I try to distract myself, but I think about it every day, every night

And I always end up drowning in my tears, and hearing the waves whisper

Why did he lie to me?

Did he really mean every word he said?

Or were our conversations simply monologs for him?

Always dreamed of a perfect love story

Like the ones in the books

Guess that type of love doesn't exist in reality

Love is just like the waves in the ocean, it comes and goes

If there's something I am certain of is that

where there is no love you don't miss anything

Event though I might be seeing the sun going down into the sea

I know that this isn't the end of the world, even if it feels like it

It's just the end of us...

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