Part 29

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Day of the ball

Allison's POV

I wake up to an alarm going off, I open my eyes and look around my surroundings.

Everything is blurry I am absolutely knackered, me and Mattheo didn't go to sleep until 4 this morning.

Let's just say we were busy....

I turn of the alarm and see the time, 7am. No wonder I'm knackered I've only had 3 hours of sleep.

I turn over and look at Mattheo, his curls are lying perfectly on his face, he is gorgeous.

I lay back down and cuddle into him more, his hands move to my waist and he pulls me in even more.

I look up at him to see his eyes open, "morning princess" "morning handsome" he pulls me in even more. I don't know how it's possible and plants a kiss on my forhead.

I bury my face into his neck as he rests his head on top of mine.

3 hours later

I wake up again, still in the same position from 7am.

I go to move but get pulled back by Mattheo. Who's awake,

"Morning princess" he says in a raspy voice, "morning handsome" I say

"What's the time?" I ask. "11:56" "how do you know what the time is?" I ask

"I just do" he replies

"We need to get up" I say

"Yeah, but do we want to?" He says

"No, but what time is the ball?" I ask

"Erm, I think we need to be there for 6" he says

"Ok, I need to start getting ready at 2" I say, "but that gives you 4 hours, do you really take that long to get ready?" He asks

"Oh shoot, no I need to start getting ready at 1 then" I say, he looks at me confused but doesn't say anything.

I go to get out of bed but he pulls me by my hand "what are you doing?" He asks.

"Getting up" I say trying to get out of bed

"Why, don't you want to stay with me and have cuddles?" He says with puppy dog eyes

"As much as I want to give in right now, I can't. I need to take a shower" I say

He shoots me the look "no you can't join, I need to wash my hair" I say

He just sighs "can I shower in your room" I ask

"Yeah sure, I will be back I need to grab you a clean towel" he says getting up.

He walks out the door, so I take off his jumper and boxers I was wearing and head in the shower.

I wash my hair and shave my legs and armpits, I need to be fresh.

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