Chapter 15 - The Storm

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Trigger Warnings:
~ Explicit language
~ Weapons
~ Violence
~ Abuse
~ Injuries

Isabella's PoV <3

The lights dim as the dance comes to a close, large plastic sheets cover the marquee as protection from tonight's promised rain. The entrances are sealed with more waterproof materials and tied tightly shut.

Teo grabs my hand and drags me gently towards the carpark as large droplets of rain begin to cascade from the dark sky. They fall down my hair and face, and onto my dress, which soaks my skin from the outside.

Lightning erupts in a large flash and lights up the sky in a much more thrilling shock than the previous use of candlelight.

It sends waves of light and a large clap of thunder into the air around us. The noise echoes through the small valley and towards the city above us.

We watch as the storm clouds roll through the city in grey hues. The city lights above us flicker out one by one until the buildings are reduced to their looming shadows.

Teo pulls open the car door, using his body to shield mine from the rain as I stumble inside. He leans across my body and clicks in my seatbelt before I can stop him and closes the door.

I watch his shadow run around the front of the car to the driver's side. Each flash of lightning behind him illuminates his tall figure and handsome features.

His wet hair hangs loosely over his forehead, delivering raindrops across his cheekbones and jawline. His white shirt has been drenched with water; the thin material clinging to the muscles in his arms and stomach.

It takes more effort than it should to drag my eyes away from him as he enters the car. Instead I focus on looking out of the car window and stopping myself from shivering.

I don't even have to look in the mirror to know that my hair and makeup are a complete mess. I reach for several napkins in the sidedoor to try and dry my face.

Teo sees my legs shaking and passes me his dry jacket that he left on the back seat. The material is soft and smells very strongly of his scent. He even turns the dial for the heating in the car on full to try and keep me warm.

"You feeling okay?" He asks me as we pull away from the carpark. The rain is still lashing down against the car and I tug his jacket closer around my body.

My teeth chatter against each other as I speak, "I- I'm fine." My wet hair is sending drips of rain running down the back of my dress; goosebumps following them along my bare skin.

"We'll be home soon, princess. Try to get some rest." His voice is soft but his eyes don't falter from the road ahead. I lay my head against the window and close my eyes tightly.

Those are the last few words I hear from him before my body gives in to the tiredness. The cold no longer heaves through my body in shivers, and I'm completely peaceful.

The rain acts as a natural drug, the steady rhythm like a foreign lullaby to drift babies off to sleep.

I'm no baby, but its effect seems to have worked on me like magic. I wonder what Teo thinks of me, falling asleep in his car for the second time already this week.

Although technically the first time he drugged me, so I didn't have many options. This time however, I'm genuinely exhausted and physically can't keep my eyes open.

I don't awake until the scene of my house comes into view. The car is pulling up in the driveway, Teo still stationed in the driver's seat as before.

He parks a few feet away from the entrance and stops the car before turning to look at me. "Let me take you up to bed." He sighs and ruffles my hair, leaning forwards to get out of the car.

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