Chapter 8 - Dangerous Game

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Trigger Warnings:
~ Explicit language
~ Graphic injuries
~ Weapons - guns, etc

Matteo's PoV <3
A few minutes earlier

The French Mafia knew we were coming to assassinate them.

Flicking through the blood-covered paperwork left strewn across the room, it revealed everything to me.

And fuck, we had been played.

Someone had betrayed us and told the French of our planned attack. All the hundreds of men we had killed were mere soldiers, none of them were of any importance to the French Mafia.

It was all a trap to get us killed, and it wasn't finished yet. As I skimmed over the last few sheets of their paperwork, I came across their backup plan.

A bomb.

The actual French Mafia were in the forest outside, watching the whole scene unfold. And they had attached a bomb to the bottom of our car, set to detonate when we were all inside of it.

My head snapped up and I discarded the paper from my grip, standing up quickly on my painful leg. I winced as I sprinted down the seemingly endless flights of stairs as fast as my bleeding leg would let me.

All the frustrated thoughts of Isabella shooting me had left my mind, and I didn't care anymore. All I could focus on was saving their lives.

My little sister was stood against that car right now, as well as my best friends. If that bomb killed them all, I could never forgive myself.

"Get away from the car!" I yelled loudly as they came into view across the driveway. No one moved a muscle and they stared at me like I was going insane.


I ran a frustrated hand through the front of my hair and small strands fell across my eyes.

The pain in my leg had gone almost numb, my heartache taking over at the thought of losing all of them. I had already lost my mother, and my little sister's death might just be the last straw.

"The car's been bombed! Get away!" I repeated in a raspy voice, and my heart pounds painfully in my chest as my words finally seem to register in Lucas' brain.

He begins pushing them all away, and the group soon start sprinting back up towards the house. Alex carries Aurora in his arms, and I silently pray that she's alright.

However, I don't have much time to think as a defeaning noise meets my ears, and everything around me is coated by a thick, black smoke.

The force of the explosion knocks me onto my back, the air completely stolen from my lungs. I gasp for oxygen but just inhale a sharp smoke that sends a searing pain into my head and burns the back of my throat.

My body heaves and jolts as I slowly sit up, feeling fresh, sticky blood coating the left side of my face. It sends a painful shock into my brain that feels like needles piercing through my brain.

My eyes are not able to penetrate through the darkness, and the smoke only allows me to see a few feet in front. It's like being stuck in a cage, unable to see the clear chaos unfolding around me.

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