Chapter Nine

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Just before they got off the ship, Master Windu turned to Aeris.

Windu: Here.

Aeris: A real lightsaber ?

Windu: You're not a padawan yet so you're not supposed to have anything else but a training one. But this mission could turn out to be dangerous and, if it's the case, you'll need something to defend yourself.

Aeris: Thank you, Master. I'll make good use of it.

The two of them entered a black building. Master Yoda went back to the temple in Coruscant to attend to other important matters, so they had to achieve this mission on their own. The inside of the building was as dark as the outside. Glass was shattered everywhere, chairs were broken, dust covered the few things that were there and the only light in the room came from the broken windows. Aeris reached out to the force, trying to decipher what this place was. And that's when she felt it. It was weak, on the verge of dying. So she ran, as fast as she could, to reach it before it disappeared. Master Windu followed her just like Master Qui-Goon did less than a year ago back on Tatooine. Aeris took a last turn to the right and stumbled upon something. It was Master Yaddle. She was laying on the floor, her breathing was slow and heavy and she was severely injured.

Aeris: Master !

Yaddle: Hello young one ...

Aeris: Master don't ! You're injured.

Yaddle: Aeris please listen to me ...

Master Windu arrived at that moment. Aeris was on her knees with Master Yaddle's head resting on her lap. Her right hand was tightly pressed against a large wound on the Master's stomach, trying to stop the blood from pouring out.

Yaddle: Aeris... I coded the information and wrote them... down in a book... You have to ... find it and bring it back... to the temple.

Aeris: Master, please ! There has to be something we can do to save you !

Yaddle: It's too late...

Aeris: NO !

Yaddle: Aeris... You're strong with the force. Your bound ... with it ... is something that can be seen only once or twice in a thousand years... You, my child... are bound to the greys...

Aeris: The greys?

Yaddle: Don't fight your nature Aeris... It would only do more damage... accept your emotions... and may the force be with you, my dear ...

Aeris: Master ? Master ! Master Yaddle wake up ! Wake up, please ! MASTER !

Mace Windu was at a loss for words. Master Yaddle has been a council member since he came to Coruscant for the first time as a child. And now... she was gone.

Windu: Aeris, we have to go. We have to find it.

Aeris: We can't let her here !

Windu: Aeris, her body will return to the force, she'll be all right. Look.

Aeris turned back to where Yaddle used to be only to see that the hallway was now empty. She slowly got up, looking straight ahead of her. She had witnessed another death, not that she remembered the death of her parents but still. She was seven and accustomed to the idea of dying. When she raised her head again, her look was blank and everything felt different. The only thing she was aware of was the force all around her.

She followed Mace Windu. They hid behind corners and hacked security systems to try and find the book in this droid-filled building.

After hours of searching, they ended up in an empty room. Master Windu was already leaving when he sensed Aeris going further into the room.

Windu: Aeris ? What's the matter ?

Aeris: There's something in this room.

Aeris crossed the room and started lightly tapping the wall. She did it for about three minutes before a small compartment popped out of the wall. Inside stood a small leather-covered notebook.

Aeris: I think I found it.

Windu: Good, now we get out of here.

But it wasn't that easy ...

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