Chapter 1

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Louise's POV

We are idiots.

When my mom told me it was a bad idea to travel with a group of peers I just shrugged it off. The seven of us are all at least 20 years old. Surely we could take care of ourselves.

Apparently not.

"Girl, what are we going to do?"

I turn to my best friend and simply shake my head.

Kat–Katherine by birth–has been my bestie since middle school. I was on the quieter side and ate lunch alone for the first semester of 6th grade. Finally, Kat invited herself over to my table, and we bonded over a mutual love of One Direction. The rest is history...

"How could you have booked seven seats but only have 5 tickets?" Riley shouts. I look over at him, he runs his fingers through his brown bangs before remarking, "No one should be that stupid!"

Meet my boyfriend. I swear he's nicer than he sounds right now. He usually looks better too, guess he forgot to consult the mirror this morning.

"Hey, don't call my girlfriend stupid, bro." Threatens a stocky blonde boy. A taller, younger blonde stands behind him,

"If you've got a problem with Leshawnda and Brooke, then you've got a problem with Lance and me."

"Shut up Henry before I make you." Riley rolls up his sleeve and starts towards the brothers.

I gasp. He's actually going to hurt them.

I jump to my feet, trying to stop my boyfriend's fist from smashing into Henry's head.

I do a great job. It instead collides with my cheek, sending me flying to the side.

The last thing I see is Riley's stunned face before everything goes dark.

— a week earlier —

It has been my dream to see Germany for as long as I can remember. I've never even left the United States before. And now I get to go with my friends for the entire month of July!

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Same pale skin with light freckles. Same eyes that can't seem to pick a color. Same silvery-blonde hair that earns me a "dumb blonde" comment from a stranger every time I'm in public.

I squish my nose between my fingers, wishing it was just a little bit smaller. Kat would laugh at me and say I'm the only one who thinks my nose is imperfect. But of course Kat has a delicate Florence-Pugh-like nose, so I discard her opinion.

Kat is pretty. She has dark brown curly hair, amber eyes, full lips, and a curvy body that stands at five foot five.

I'm almost five foot ten, with a slim figure that only curves at my butt, I guess God gave all the boob I was supposed to get to Kat.

Now don't judge me too fast. I'm 21; I have learned that jealousy isn't worth dwelling on. But sometimes I can't help but admire her.

I can't wait to travel with Kat and with Riley. We've been dating for 7 months now. I love having someone to hold. Plus, he's pretty cute. And he doesn't seem to mind the features I'm insecure about.

We're also going with my friend Leshawnda. She was a year ahead of Kat and me in high school and quickly became our mom friend. She's dating Lance, whose brother Henry is dating Kat's cousin, Brooke. The seven of us leave for Germany in a week.

I cram as many clothes as I can in my huge red suitcase. We will be gone for a month so I'm hoping to buy more stuff when I get there.

Oh yeah, money. I've barely saved enough to make this trip. All my friends come from wealthy families who live in wealthy neighborhoods. They'll be fine. When I get back I'm going to be freaking broke.

My mom is unhappy. She said she doesn't want a bunch of young adults making important decisions. I reminded her that she had already had two children by the time she was twenty one. She may have hit me with her slipper after that.

Fortunately, Mom finally caved. I know I'm an adult but I still want to involve her in my decisions. She sacrificed so much to raise me and my brothers. She deserves a say in how I live.

With a grunt, I finally yank the zipper closed.

I can't wait to see what adventures my vacation is going to hold!

—present day—

I groan as I open my eyes. Six faces hover over me sighing in relief when I open my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Asks Brooke worriedly.

"Yeah I'll be alright in a minute," I wince as I touch my cheek. It stings.

"Louise lemme give you some ice." Insists Leshawnda, pressing a compress to my face.

"I'm really alright guys," I mutter, "we need to worry more about the ticket situation."

Our connected flight took us to Canada before we fly to Germany. All of us had tickets for that flight. But somehow we only have five tickets for the next flight. Maybe the attendant misprinted our tickets but I'm pretty sure one of us lost them.

Lance speaks up, "Two of us are gonna have to stay. I already talked to the staff. The flight is full."

"I should stay," says Kat, "I'm the only one without a partner here. You couples should enjoy this trip together."

"But two people need to stay, Kat." Riley remarks impatiently.

Riley is starting to piss me off. I love the guy but why can't he say things gently? He's headstrong and loud. I always thought that balanced us out but right now I'm tired of his attitude.

"Um, guys?" A voice, thick with an accent, speaks to us.

"What do you need?" Henry asks.

A boy with wavy brown hair and bright brown eyes is standing over us. I can't help but stare at him. He's handsome.

"I could not help but hear you all talking over here and–"

"Yeah, yeah get to it." Scowls Riley looking at me. Uh oh. I think he caught me staring.

"I was supposed to fly with three of my friends. They can not make it today so if you want," he smiles and I swear the room gets brighter, "two of you can have my friend's seats"

Our group freezes in awe for a moment before all nodding and affirming and cheering and thanking the boy! Our spirits, so devastated a moment ago, rise.

"I can sit with you." Kat bursts out. I raise my eyebrow at her and she winks, clearly charmed by our savior and his good looks.

"Okay," he smiles at her, "and who else?"

After a moment I raise my hand, "I will." I want to keep an eye on Kat, she never has been too boy-crazy but now she seems entranced by this boy.

Behold the power of an airport crush.

"Sounds good! My name is Tim by the way." He says, gesturing to himself.

"Well, I don't know how we can thank you enough Tim!" Laughs Leshawnda.

"It is no problem." Tim shrugs good-naturedly.

The attendants call for us to board and I can't help but skip through the terminal.

Finally, I am going to Germany!


Wow, I just cringed a little reading that chapter back. 

If you're here, thank you! It's pretty insane that anyone is reading something I wrote.

First impressions?


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