Chapter 3

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Note: If two Germans are conversing, just assume they are speaking in German.

Jacob's POV

I missed two flights in a row.

First Bene, Luis, and I missed our flight with Tim two days ago. Then I missed our new flight yesterday. Bene and Luis are in Germany by now, and I'm stuck in Canada.

Just 2 more hours and I can board a flight to Furstenwalde, Germany. I'll only be an hour away from the Elevator Mansion.

Tim won't stop texting me about a group of Americans he met in the airport. He FaceTimes me and I pick up quickly, I don't want the airport to hear my My Little Pony ringtone.


"Yeah bro?" I laugh.

"I'm kind of worried about that girl. I mean her boyfriend was violent and rude." He says worriedly.

Wow. He's actually concerned. I ask, "You said you told her to consider ending the relationship?"

"I did," he sighs, "I kind of felt like she was my little sister and I thought someone had to tell her Riley's behavior wasn't cool."

"Good for you," I nod, "So you said she was like a sister but her friend was something else to you?" I wink at him.

He laughs, "I mean the two girls I sat with were both gorgeous, but only one of them was single."

"Did she seem interested in a douche like you?" I tease.

"Yeah, I think she digs douches." He chuckles then says, "In all seriousness I gave them my number. They're staying in Berlin so maybe we'll see them again."

"Alright Timmy, making moves now."

"Let it go man," he smiles, "I barely know Kat."

"Ooh, Kat." I smirk.

Tim just laughs.

"Alright bye bro," I give him a quick peace sign before hanging up.

I doze off and when I awake they're calling for the last boarders on my flight. I almost missed a third plane.

I grab my luggage and head down the walkway. As I enter the plane a young flight attendant gasps as I walk by her,

"Excuse me sir, could I get a quick picture with you? I've seen you and the escalator boys on tiktok!"

The Escalator Boys. That was a new one.

"Sure," I smile. She ends up taking eight pictures and the older couple behind me start to grumble.

"Alright, I better go to my seat," I say, "Nice to meet you!"

"Bye Jasper!" She waves.

Laughing to myself, I find my seat in the back of the plane. I know I can afford first class, but I still try not to waste money. However my legs are pushed up against the seat in front of me, so maybe a first class seat with leg room wouldn't be a bad idea.

I use my fingers to adjust my dark hair as a petite Hispanic woman and her 6 year old daughter scoot past me into our row. I smile at the child who just frowns and stares judgmentally at me.

Small kids are either my best friends or they scare me.

I watch the movie Death on the Nile but have to keep skipping through the more sensual and violent scenes because the girl is watching my screen. Finally, I just turn it off and try to sleep.

The young flight attendant wakes me up and asks if I want anything to eat.

I stretch groggily, "I thought there wasn't any complimentary food on this flight."

"There isn't," she whispers, her lips uncomfortably close to my ear, "but for you there can be!"

"Um, I guess I'll have something." I mutter, embarrassed.

She returns in a minute, smiling, with a Biscotti cookie and a martini. When she leaves I hand the snack and drink to the mother and her child.

She thanks me in broken English and I reply, "de nada!"

Brightening, she rapidly begins to speak in Spanish. I talk to her in the best Spanish I can for the next hour then the plane begins to circle the Furstenwalde airport.

We land safely and once in the airport I text Tim asking if he's almost to the airport.

'Shoot, I forgot!' He types, 'Sorry bro <3'

Groaning I lean against the wall.

'Should be there in an hour.' He says.

Great. Another delay.

I lean against my suitcase dejectedly and put in my AirPods. Justin Bieber starts singing in my ears while I sit and wait.

I've done a heck of a lot of waiting in the last few days, why not wait a little longer?


Jacob's POV! The story will rotate between Louise and Jacob's narration.

Do you think Tim is right to be concerned?

Hope you all have an amazing day :)

Bewitched In Berlin: A Jacob Rott FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now