Chapter 16

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Louise's POV

I've always felt embarrassed when I stay at other's homes.

For some reason, having to ask for a towel or a cup of water is humiliating!

Staying with a group of gorgeous guys (that I barely know!) makes it ten times worse.

I slept pretty well in Jacob's room, but now I lay on the bed and listen to my stomach growl.

I am so hungry.

But not enough to risk interaction with anyone. So I just wait.

I'm beginning to think it might be better to just sneak out the balcony and get some street food when I hear a light knock on the door.

"You can come in." My voice cracks embarrassingly.

"Good morning, Louise" Tim pokes his head through the door.

"Tim," I sigh with relief.

He looks concerned as he walks over and pulls me into a gentle hug, "Are you okay? Is anything wrong?"

I laugh lightly, "Just hungry. And too scared to ask anyone for something."

"Aw," he smiles, "You don't have to be intimidated. Come on, we have some eggs and toast."

Oh, that sounds incredible!

I impulsively kiss him on the cheek and skip out the door, following Tim down the stairs and into the kitchen.

As the smell of the sunny side up eggs and toast wafts through the air, the boys trail one by one into the kitchen. Only Jacob is missing. I end up using an entire carton to feed them all!

"This tastes amazing." Bene moans over his plate.

"Glad you like it." I smile at him.

Bene, Luis, Julien, and Tim converse casually in German while I clean up. The German language always seems to get a bad rap, but I think it's quite beautiful.

They all thank me once more, then disperse. I am scrubbing the frying pan over the sink when a pair of hands grasp my waist.

I gasp and drop the pan. Jacob chuckles as he spins me around to face him.

"Jacob, you scared me!" I scold, throwing the drying towel at him.

He tries to pull me closer but I push against his firm chest, trying to hide my smile. Backing away from him I tease,

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that level of physicality."

His initial look of concern turns into a smirk as he realizes my insincerity.

Jacob strides confidently toward me. I feel my heart pound... In his black tank and grey sweatpants he is unbelievably attractive.

Then, I am trapped between his arms against the counter as he leans over my body. His lips meet mine, oh so tender.

It's not enough. Driven by some animalistic instinct, my hands run all over his torso. I need to touch him, to memorize each of his solid muscle formations.

But he denies my tongue entrance to his his mouth and pulls away, crossing to the sink and picking up the pan I dropped.

I stare in disbelief as he cleans it. A small sound of disappointment escapes my throat.

His shoulders begin to shake with laughter.

"Jacob Rott." I cry, and fling myself at him. It takes both of my hands to encircle his bicep, but I grab it and make him face me.

"Do you need something?" He feigns confusion.

It drives me absolutely wild. "Kiss me!" I beg, unable to hide my desperation.

Jacob's face breaks into a smile before he cups my cheek and kisses me with an intensity I have never known.

Then his mouth presses against my jaw, my neck, my collarbone. Up and down; a trail of passion. He hesitates at my neck then begins to suck.

My body is in heaven, my mind is in hell.

I lose complete control and fall to my knees as a guttural sound escapes me.

Jacob squats in front of me, "I might have to take you to the gym. Maybe some strength and conditioning." He teases.

I am still catching my breath when he scoops me up.

"Number one." I gasp.

"What?" He wrinkles his brow.

"You're number one. Best...kisser..." I get out.

He brushes his lips against the same spot on my neck and mumbles, "Is that so?"

"Mmhmm." I swallow.

My goodness. Is there such a thing as a lightweight in making out? If so, I think I fit that description.

He dumps me unceremoniously on the couch and turns on the TV. I snuggle into his chest.

This is the best.

The Office episode, "Dinner Party" begins.

It just got even better!

I spend the rest of the day just hanging out with Jacob at the Elevator Mansion. We decide productivity can wait till tomorrow.

I finish my day's journal entry with this:

"This day can be summed up in one word: happiness."  


The embarrassment about staying in other people's homes is a true story!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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