Chapter 14

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Jacob's POV

Burrowed under my comforter, I lie in bed, reliving yesterday in my mind.

The sound of my coffee cup hitting the ground when Riley kissed Louise goodbye. The sight of the stormy sky matching Louise's eyes. The smell of rain as it pelted us. The way Louise touched me. The taste of her lips.

"Hey bro," Luis leans in the door to my bedroom.

I turn around in bed to face him, "What?"

"What are you smiling like that for?" He laughs. I realize I am still grinning with the thought of Louise.

"I- um..." I stutter.

Luis strides forward and smiles knowingly,

"What's her name?"

Groaning, I try to think of a comeback, but then my ringtone blares and I scoop up my phone,


"Jacob? I don't know how to say this."

"Louise? Are you okay?" I blurt out worriedly. Luis stands over me, a concerned look on his face.

"Jacob, they're leaving. Since we broke up, Riley doesn't want to stay. And the others don't either! They're going to visit some other countries. And they want me to come!" Louise sounds frantic.

"So," I gulp, "You're leaving?" Please no. Not now.

"I don't want to! But all of them are going. Even Kat! I can't pay rent by myself."

I try to speak, but no words come.

"They want to tour Europe for the next two and a half weeks. But we'll be back for a few days before we go home." She sighs, "We can- we can say goodbye then."

"What about what you said? That you would spend your time here with me!" I ask, my voice breaking. Luis raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, I would if I could!" She cries, "but I have nowhere to stay."

"Louise?" Luis interjects, "You need a place to stay?"

"Um, hi. And yes." Louise sniffs.

"Why don't you come stay with us?" He offers. Why didn't I think of that?

"I wouldn't be in the way?"

"Of course not." Luis assures her, "When do your friends leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. Early." I hear the hope in her voice.

"I'll pick you up tonight." I say, "Around six o'clock?"

"Thank you!" Louise gushes, "Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem." Luis smiles.

"Well, I guess I should start packing! I'll- I'll see you tonight!"

"See you then. Call me if you need me." I insist.

I hang up and turn to Luis.

"You have some explaining to do." He says, one eyebrow raised.

The boys gather on the giant couch in the living room. I stand facing them, preparing to tell all.

"What's this all about?" Jojo questions.

"Maybe he's finally leaving the elevator boys!" Julien quips.

Bene laughs, "It's about time!"

"Cmon guys, let's listen to Jacob." Tim suggests, "What is it you need to tell us?"

Sighing, I begin, "I haven't been completely honest with you guys. Especially you Tim."

"What do you mean?" Tim asks warily.

"I- I've been seeing a girl." I blurt out.

Julian's worried face transforms into a playful one, "Way to go, bro!"

Bene pleads, "Teach us your ways!"

"Wait a minute guys." Luis interrupts.

"Who?" Tim challenges.

I rub the back of my neck with my hand nervously, "Um... Louise."

"What?" Tim roars, "She has a boyfriend! And I told you to leave her alone!"

"Wait, who's Louise?" Bene and Julien wonder in unison.

Luis speaks softly, his hand on an enraged Tim's arm, "Why don't we let Jacob tell us the whole story without interruptions."

"Thanks," I sigh, "I'll try to keep it brief."

"Go for it."

I brace myself and begin my story, "Okay... so Tim met her first, in the Canada airport. Y'know, that group he helped. When he picked me up, Louise and Kat were with him. I- I don't know I was just drawn to her." I stare at the wall dreamily.

"Bro!" Julien giggles.

"Sorry." I blush, "When we dropped her at her apartment, she asked if she would see me again. I took her to Mitternachtsschänke. We drank a little and danced."

Luis and Jojo exchange a look.

"Tim, Luis, and I drove her and her friends home from the store the next afternoon. Louise was so jealous when her friend took a picture with me!" I laugh, "I asked her to meet me again the day after."

"So that's why you left the party." Luis reasons.

"Yes. We went to Brandenburg gate. And she promised to break up with her boyfriend and she kissed me on the cheek."

Bene snorts. I realize I'm touching my face where Louise kissed me. Shoving my hands into my pockets I continue,

"Yesterday, she did break up with her boyfriend. I kinda bumped into them during that. Then she went with me to the lake. It started pouring and I- I kissed her."

Julien whoops and Bene claps his hands. Luis and Jojo nod, while Tim just stares at me.

"Louise called just now. She told Luis and I that her friends are leaving Berlin. We said she could stay here. I pick her up at 6:00." I finish.

A clamor rises as they all start asking questions.

"Settle down everyone. We'll do this Survivor jury style and each ask Jacob one question. Julien first." Orders Jojo.

"Okay," Julien ponders, "you knew she had a boyfriend and you still took her out?"

"Yes." I say shamefully, "I later found out they were on a break."

"How long is she staying here?" Asks Jojo.

"Probably a few weeks."

"Is she hot?" Bene jousts.

"You had one question and that's what you choose." Luis smacks him playfully.

I grin, "Yes. She is. But I think beautiful suits her best."

"My turn," Luis insists, "Where is she sleeping?"

"Oh." I say, "I'll let her have my room. I'll sleep on the couch."

"You can stay with me," Tim offers, "But...why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared... I'm really sorry Tim." I apologize. And I mean it. I hated going behind his back.

"That's okay." Tim says pulling me into a hug.

I inwardly sigh with relief. The boys know my secret, Tim has forgiven me, and Louise will be with me.

Things are looking up.


It was very important to me to include Jojo in this, I've never seen him in another Wattpad story.

Do you think this is a good idea?

Was Tim's anger justified?

Bewitched In Berlin: A Jacob Rott FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now