Chapter 15

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Louise's POV

"I'm going to miss you, Kat."

I smile tearfully, pulling her in for one more hug.

"Oh Louise! It's only for a few weeks!" She scolds, but I can see tears her in eyes.

"Tell Tim hi for me." Kat whispers.

The others don't know where I'm staying, only that I'll live with new friends for a few weeks. I guess they know I don't want to travel with Riley. And that I love Germany's history.

"Text me every day." I insist.

"Alright, we've got to get going." Henry calls, "Take care, Louise."

"See you in a few weeks." I wave to him.

Then the bus pulls away and I am alone. But not for long.

Soon a familiar Benz is pulling around the corner, and Jacob steps out.

"Louise." He smiles and pulls me into a hug. I inhale deeply and enjoy the scent of his cologne. He takes my hands off his plaid jacket and holds them in his.

"Let me carry your suitcases." Jacob offers.

"Thank you, I just have these two." I gesture to them, "and my purse."

"Let's go then."

He grins and I melt. I can't believe I am living with this wonderful boy I just met. He and his friends were so gracious to offer this opportunity.

Jacob drives smoothly thru the streets and parks in front of a large condo.

"Welcome to the Elevator Mansion!" He gestures.

Jacob and I walk to the door and gasp when Tim yanks it open and wraps me in a hug.

"Hey, Lo." He smiles against my hair.

Luis appears in the doorway and invites me in. The boys give me a nice tour of the first and second floors and I meet Jojo, who welcomes me before returning to editing something on his computer. The whole place has a beautiful, modern design with lots of neutrals.

Jacob, Tim, Luis, and I settle in the kitchen and chat.

"I'll miss Kat." Tim admits sheepishly, "I was kinda hoping she'd stay over too."

"Sorry, just me!" I apologize with a laugh. "I'll miss her too."

"Who are we missing?" A cute guy with light brown hair and chocolate eyes strolls into the kitchen, his arms full of groceries. "Oh," he exclaims, "You must be Louise! I'm Julien."

I smile and shake his outstretched hand which causes the groceries to swing.

Then another good looking guy rounds the corner, and drops his groceries on the floor. He swoops down on one knee and kissed my hand, "My lady."

I giggle as Jacob swats the back of the boy's head, disheveling his curls.

"And this is Bene."

"Pleasure to meet you." He says in a thick accent. I am astonished at how breathtaking every single one of the guys are. All six of them could be models!

Tim turns to Julien, "Louise was saying she would miss her friend, Kat."

"My girlfriend, Angelina, will be staying here next week, if that's any consolation." Julien offers me.

"I can't wait to meet her." I smile.

Jacob puts his hand on the small of my back and my stomach does somersaults. "Come on, I'll show you your room." He leads me upstairs to a bedroom with its furniture, clothes, and gadgets nicely organized. The adjoining bathroom and balcony look luxurious.

"Wow." I breathe, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Jacob says, smoothly sliding his arms around my waist. My hands automatically reach around his neck. I close my eyes and feel his nose tickling mine, "I don't mind one bit." He mumbles.

Our lips make contact but then Luis bursts though the door. I jump away from Jacob.

"Oops!" Luis exclaims and exits, a smirk on his face.

Jacob grins ruefully, "I'll probably hear about that later." He looks down at me, "Seriously though, I don't mind staying with Tim."

"I know I've said this a lot in the last twenty four hours, but thank you." I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him gently.

Jacob shows me a dresser and a closet space where I can unload my things. Then we head down to dinner with everyone.

While we eat Chinese takeout, the boys ask questions without ceasing.

"Why did you come to Berlin?"

"How many brothers do you have again?"

"Is it true that Americans don't learn foreign languages?"

"Is Jacob a good kisser?"

You guessed it, the last one was asked by Luis, and I blush before shooting back, "Why don't you find out for yourself."

By the end of the evening I'm exhausted from the day's events. Jacob and I brush teeth together before he heads downstairs, and I am left in his room.

I step out onto his small balcony and reflect on my new living situation. It's terribly exciting but I'm worried it could be overwhelming. Or maybe I just need to get used to the upbeat banter of the boys.

Time will help me adapt, but too much time passing means I must go home.

Stop it, Louise. Enjoy this.

So I sink into Jacob's bed and fall into a deep sleep filled with peaceful dreams.


Okay! This is a big change in Louise's life.

(Also, for the record, I don't recommend staying in what is essentially a frat house in a foreign country with people you barely know.)

Thanks everyone!

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