sleeping on it

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i decided to sleep on it, and decide what to do with filly and sharky.

i wake up the next morning and go into the kitchen as usual.
and like every day my food is there waiting for me
as i'm eating my breakfast
"there's another shoot today till, wanna come along?" chunkz asked me
i really think about this question, am i ready to talk to sharky yet?
i finally decided
"no i'll stay home today" i say
"oh ok well i better get going i'll be back later" chunkz says leaving.

"how come you wanted to stay home? thought you loved filming with them lot?" filly asked me
"trust me i love it! but i dunno if i want to talk to sharky" i say
"ah okay, well i have a shoot with footasylum today, you can always come with sure they wouldn't mind" filly says
"well yeah i wouldn't mind that, what video is it?" i ask
"you get given questions and someone doesn't get the question and they have to pretend they know and we guess who the liar is, you'll understand when we get there" filly tries to explain
"okay cool!" i say excited
"let me call them up and make sure that's okay, you get ready just in case they say yes." filly says
i go and get ready
i get ready and go out into the kitchen

"you can come till!" filly says excited but not looking up at me
he's looking at his phone
"yay okay!" i say excited
filly looks up and his eyes almost shoot out his head
"you look beautiful till" he says
i smile
"come on let's go" i say trying to move the convocation on as i didn't know my choice yet
we get in his car and start driving

"you know nellas gonna be there" filly says
"yess!!" i say even more excited
filly laughs
"look till, have you thought about our conversation last night?" he asks me
"look fill, i need to work things out first before anything, okay?" i hope i didn't hurt his feelings
"ok" he says bluntly
we finally get to the studio

i get introduced to everyone who works at the studio then i see nella and darkest
i run up to them both and hug them
"no wayyy you're here girl!" nella says
i laugh in excitement
i felt comfortable here, i have my bestfriend nella, my bestfriend filly and my bestfriend darkest, no one here i haven't met before or barely know.
we get onto filming and it's so funny
we're all laughing and guessing who the liar is
later on the video gets rapped up.
"you should come more tilly, didn't realise you were so funny" darkest says trying to mock me
"haha very funny" i say sarcastically
"no but real now, you should come back and film with us again soon" he says
i smile and obviously say yes.

me and filly then go home and chunkz still isn't home, looks like they're filming a long one today.
me and filly order food and an hour later see the video we did today as already posted
"how did they edit that so fast?" i ask filly
"they're all really good at their job and try to get them out within the same day" he explains
he carries on to tell me a little more about the studio.

soon later chunkz arrives,
he slams the door behind him
"tilly you said you will tell me everything that goes on between you and sharky!" chunkz says mad
filly looks at me confused
"what do you mean?" i ask
"you kissed?!" he shouts
i look down at my feet, feeling guilty
"look, i didn't tell you because he's like a brother to you, i didn't want to ruin that" i explain
"it wouldn't ruin anything and i told you that! i'm mad because you didn't tell me when you promised you would, you know how i feel about liars" he says
i can feel my eyes tearing up, the last time i heard words like that was from johnny
i get up off the sofa me and filly were sat on and storm to my room, almost letting the tears fall out my eyes.

i jump into my bed and sob
all memories of johnny came back to me, the way he would get mad at me and i hate it when me and chunkz get into arguments.
a few minutes later i hear a knock on the door
"come in" i say quietly so whoever is at the door can't hear my shaky voice
chunkz walks into my room and sits next to me on my bed
he wipes my tears
"i'm sorry for getting mad at you till" he says
he goes to wipe my other eye
"it's okay" i say
"no it's not, but i didn't want to shout at you" he explains
"look it wasn't you, it just reminded me of" before i can finish my sentence chunkz interrupts me
"johnny i know"
i start to cry again
chunkz hugs me tightly
"i'm so sorry" he says
"i forgive you but honestly, i wanted to tell you i really did but i was scared to" i say
"why were you scared?" he asks me
"because i thought you'd be mad because you're close with him" i explain
"look i wouldn't even be mad if you got with him, i didn't get mad at johnny, and look i was just mad that you promised to tell me if anything happened and you didn't, but i shouldn't of shouted at you that was wrong of me" he explains
"it's ok chunkz i promise i'll be truthful from now on" i say
"so tell me about you and sharks, what's going on?" he asks
"i dunno how i feel anymore because..." i carry on explaining my self and chunkz listens to me the whole way threw.
he understands how i feel and helps me out a bit.
soon after that he gives me a hug and leaves

i hear a buzz come from my phone, it's from sharky.
-messages with sharky-
sharky: hey till, did you sleep on it?
you: i tried to but i still don't know sharky, i still need some time
sharky: ok but i am sorry tilly
you: i know you are sharky but i just need time, i told you how hurt i was in my last relationship, i don't want that again
sharky: ok i get that, just please think on it hard because i like you a lot
you: i will think on it sharky
sharky: anyways i saw you filmed with footasylum today
you: yeah it was fun
sharky: would've been better if you filmed with us
you: i just needed space ok? but it was fun with them
sharky: ah ok
you: but seems like when i'm not there you want to chat about me
sharky: what do you mean?
you: you told chunkz we kissed and he went ballistic at me
sharky: shit i forgot to tell you! i did i'm sorry he just asked me and i wanted to tell my brother
you: it's ok i sorted it now, but i'm going to sleep now so good night
sharky: don't forget to think on it i'll be here waiting, take as much time as you need, good night till
-end of messages-

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