few years later

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it's been a few years now,
me and sharky have been looking after natalia the best we can
she started walking just after her birthday and not long after that said her first word and slowly started talking.
natalias now 15 years old. (you guys still live with the others, natalia has her own room now and surpassingly you guys still do youtube, natalia wants to be involved but you don't let her)

"wake up natalia!" i shout to her
she groans
i go over to her curtains and pull them open so a burst of light shines into her room
she puts her self underneath the covers
i'm so fed up dealing with this every morning
i leave the room slamming the door behind me
"what's up till?" sharky asks me
"she's not waking up for school again!" i say frustrated
"let me wake her up" he says
"no. no. no. you're too nice with her" i say
"what?" he replies confused
"you can't get mad at her, i'm always the mean one! you won't get her out of bed" i reply
"do you want me to get her up?" darkest asks
i nod at him

darkest goes into her room and all i can hear is loud noises
"how can he wake natalia up and not me?" sharky asks me
"look sharks, listen to darkest right now shes 100% up but you're too nice to her, no chance she'll get up I'm just making things easier for you" i say
darkest then comes out the room
"she's getting ready!" he says
"thanks darkest" i say to him

half an hour later i go check in on her as we should be driving her to school soon.
i knock on her door and let my self in
"hey, we need to leave soon" i say giving her a little warning
"i know." she says giving me attitude
"don't talk to me like that" i say to her
she rolls her eyes at me and carries on fixing her hair
i leave her room and sigh
"what's up?" chunkz asks me
"she's constantly giving me attitude, i'm fed up!" i reply
"i can't help you with that one" chunkz says
"but yet she's so cool with her dad" i say mockingly
chunkz laughs
"maybe talk to her or try be closer with her" he says
"maybe" i reply

natalia then comes out her room
"you ready to go? i got you some food to eat in the car" i say getting my keys (yess i can drive now!!)
"no actually, can uncle filly take me to school" she says
i almost choke.
"filly?!" i say surprised
she never asks filly to drive her it's always me
filly notices i didn't like what she said
"sorry talia, can't today i've got things to do, i will sometime this week" he says to her
she looks at filly upset
"why don't i ask dad to take you?" i ask her feeling upset my self
"yes please!" she replies excited
i go and get sharky to take her to school
once they leave i flop into the sofa

"you could've taken her you know" i say to filly
"i know but i felt bad for you" he says
"don't" i reply
filly puts his arm round me
"what's up?" he asks me
"i just feel like she hates me!" i say
"she doesn't" he says comforting me
"she so does" i reply
i get up off the sofa and make my self some food.

when sharky gets back we all go out to the studio to
i see harry at the shoot so i go over to him
"heyyy" i say
"hi tilly" he says back
"you know how you've got a son" i say
he nods his head
"well my daughter seems to hate me so how do i fix that?" i ask him
"woah woah explain" he says
i explain it all to him
"right you need to connect with her find things in common and she'll think you're cool" he says
"so you're saying i'm not cool?" i ask him
"no you're one of the coolest people i know it's just in her eyes you're just there to shout at her" he explains
"thanks harry" i say
he smiles at me and we go to film with the others

after the shoot me and sharky pick up natalia from school
"how was school" i ask her
"fine" she replies bluntly
i sigh
"did anything happen?" sharky asks her
"no it's all good" she says to him
i look at sharky feeling hopeless
he looks at me and i can tell he feels bad
he knows this is really getting to me
he puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs it

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