june 10th our baby was born

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sharky is driving, i'm sat in the passenger seat and filly, darkest and chunkz are all in the back
my contractions are killing me
i'm breathing hard and all the boys are trying to help me

we soon get to the hospital and i'm rushed in
in the reception the doctors tell me i can only bring 2 people into the labour room,
obviously i'm choosing sharks but i dunno who my second option is
"sharks and filly!" i shout in pain
i chose filly as he's always been there for me.
chunkz and darkest sit down in the waiting area and tell me they'll come in when aloud
they wish me luck and we go into the labour room

i get put onto the bed and the doctors tell me i'm due in around an hour or 2.

after around an 1hour and 40 mins i can feel it coming
"it's coming out!" i scream
the midwives get set up and check
"yes you're ready" the midwife tells me
"what do i do?!" i say freaking out
"just push!" the midwife says
sharky and filly hold my hands and try to encourage me as i'm pushing

i've been pushing for around an hour now and listing to filly's and sharkys words of encouragement wasn't helping
i could tell they wasn't good at these type of things
"i can't do this!" i shout
"yes you can till!" filly says
"i can't" i say starting to cry
"don't stop now till it's almost out, you're doing great and soon our baby will be born just get threw it" sharky says
"that's the best thing you've said this whole time"
i say
filly can't help but laugh
i take a deep breath and push harder

after a while we head crying, our baby was born.
i take deep deep breathes as the midwives pass me the baby
"no! clean it first" i say
they laugh and clean the baby then pass is to me
by the time they've cleaned it i've calmed down.

chunkz and darkest are now aloud to come in
"awh!!!!" darkest screams
"shut the fuck up" i say
"oh god sorry" he says
i laugh a little
"she's already turned into an angry mum" darkest whispers
i can't help but laugh

all the boys say hi to her and the midwives come back
"we're just filling out her birth certificate, what's her name gonna be?" they ask me
i take a deep breath
"we've decided on natalia" i look at filly when i said that
i didn't tell filly about the name as i wanted it to be a surprise to him
the reason it was a surprise was because that's the name of his auntie who passed away
when his aunt died he went in a really bad place as they were close
filly's eyes open
"serous?" he says
i nod my head
his eyes start to tear up, he knows exactly why we named her natalia
"i fucking love you" he says with tears rolling down his face
he hugs me
the midwives write down her birth certificate and passes a copy to us

i facetime nella
-facetime call-
nella: hey girly!
you: heyy
nella: how was the date?
you: better than ever
i turn the camera round to face natalia
nella screams
nella: oh my god she's beautful!
you: of course she is
nella: i can't believe it!
you: neither can i girl
nella: how did the birth go?
you: stressful, filly and sharks dunno how to give words of encouragement
nella laughs
-end of facetime-

we stay in the hosptial for a few more hours and they take natalia away to see if we need to stay over night if there's any problems or if we can go
the midwives come back
"she's healthy and you're ready to go" they say
we all cheer and they give me natalia
we leave the hospital and i'm holding natalia the whole way
"she's barely cried, is this normal?" i ask
"yeah it is, i've done my research, she's just a very happy baby" sharky says
i smile

we soon get home and i get straight to bed
all the boys are looking after natalia and seem to be doing a great job

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