bumping into them.

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me and sharky get out the car and start walking
he holds my hand and we go slow
we go and get food and sit down opposite each other

sharky puts his head in his hands
"what's wrong sharks?" i ask him
"nothing till" he says
"sharky there's clearly something wrong, come on tell me" i beg
"i'm just a bit stressed till" he replies
"why? talk to me" i say
"it's just that our life is changing very soon" he says
"i know sharks, i'm scared too but we're gonna do great, i mean you're already doing great you've done so much for me" i say trying to reassure him
"you really think so?" he says
"omg yes sharks! you're gonna be the best dad in the world" i say
sharky smiles at me and holds my hands over the table

after our food we go walking in the dark threw the centre of the city
as we're walking i head a voice as someone walked past me
"she's gotten so fat" said the voice 
i turn around about to go off at this person but once i saw their face i immediately stopped what i was about to do
sharky turns round after me and once he sees who it is, he holds me tight
we just stare at the person waiting for someone to break the silence
no one was so i decided to
"what did you say about me?" i ask the person
"i said you've gotten fat tilly" the person says
my eyes start to tear up but i hold it in
"i'm pregnant actually" i reply
"right, with who?" the person asks

the person was johnny. my ex johnny
"me is who" sharky replies getting into his face
"got a problem?" sharky proceeds to talk
"i do have a probelm" johnny says
"what you gonna do about it?" sharky says getting mad
i can see sharky is getting mad so i get into the middle of them and push him back from johnnys face
i turn around to face sharky
"it's not worth it" i say to sharky
"awh even your bitch knows you ain't gonna win against me" johnny says
i turn around fast
"his what now?" i question him
"his. bitch." johnny says
before i even think of saying anything else i punch johnny right in the face
i've always been taught how to fight by my parents as they said it will protect me
johnny is quick to hold is face
johnny gets ready to hit me back
but sharky stops him
"i wouldn't dare" sharky threatens him
"no punch me, if you're so bad do it!" i scream at johnny

i look around and see loads of kids recording us
how did i not see this?
sharky grabs my hand and says "come on let's go"
me and sharky walk off back to the car

we get in the car and sharky sighs
"why did you do that?" he asks me
"he called me your bitch, plus after what he did to me when i was dating him he had it coming" i reply
"you shouldn't of done that" sharky says
he puts his hand over his face
"why?" i ask him confused
"everyone recorded it" he says
"and what sharky? i don't care johnny is a dick" i say getting mad
why isn't he backing me
"why aren't you on my side?" i ask him
"i am! i'm just saying you didn't look
good in them videos, people do watch johnny you know and he does have fans" sharky says
"and you're saying i don't?" i question him
"no you're twisting it, i'm just saying not everyone will be on your side and you're already getting a lot of hate you don't need anymore" he says
i turn to look out the window. i know i did the right thing why can't he understand

he breaks the silence
"how'd you even learn to do that?" he asks me
i still look out the window not giving
him eye contact
"my parents taught me" i reply bluntly
"why?" he asks me
"is there an issue?" i ask him
"no just curious" he replies
"to protect my self from people like him sharky!" i shout
i finally turn and look at him with tears rolling down my cheeks
he immediately parks the car on the side of the road

"what's wrong?" he asks me
"you're not on my side sharky! my parents taught me how to protect my self from people like him. he treated me like shit when i dated him and had to right to cheat on me, call me fat just then or your bitch!" i shout
"shh" sharky whispers and wipes my tears
"i didn't realise punching him in the face meant so much to you, i'm sorry, i just thought you'd care more about what the public would have to say" he says explaining his self
"i don't care sharks, i did that because of everything he did, and if the public don't understand why then that's their problem" i say
sharky pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the lips
"you're gonna be the best mum" he says
"no i'm not, i just punched johnny in the face" i say
"no, don't say that, you're gonna be great you're gonna protect them more than i can" he says jokingly
i let out a small laugh
he puts my hair behind my ear
"i'm glad to hear that laugh" he says smiling
he kisses me on the lips again and we carry on driving home

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