Emotional And Zig Zag

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*Later that Night*

*The village appeared beautiful under the night sky, its leaves shimmering above. A group of young adults relaxed at a restaurant near the harbor, chatting and drinking outside. Mika approached the restaurant, searching for Amiri. Spotting Mika in the crowd, Amiri walked over, and they hugged. Amiri asked if Mika was okay, and she assured him she was fine but wouldn't stay out long. Amiri then led her to the wrong table with their friends, including Jūden and his girlfriend, who greeted Mika politely. She sat next to Amiri, who was beside his boyfriend. Everything seemed okay as Mika had a few drinks and took a shot.

A guy in their group tried flirting with Mika, but she declined and continued drinking. Amiri worried about Mika's tolerance and considered stopping her from taking another shot. Despite this, Mika took another and began feeling tipsy. They bought more drinks and left for the seashore, sitting on the sand and chatting romantically. By now, Mika was drunk, her vision swirling as she gazed at the sky.

The same guy who had flirted with her earlier tried again, slowly putting his arm around her and suggesting he could treat her better than Shiroi. Mika provocatively responded, "Oh really?" This encouraged the guy to try to kiss her, but Mika quickly reacted, uppercutting him away and standing up unsteadily, telling him off in a drunk tone. The commotion drew attention, with others trying to calm the guy down as he wanted to retaliate against Mika.

Amiri intervened, deciding to take Mika home despite being held back briefly by his boyfriend. Jūden, shocked by Mika's sudden action, sat down, and Amiri picked up the heavily intoxicated Mika and escorted her home.*

*Back to Zumo and Sasuke*

*Zumo reiterated that Sasuke had administered chakra depressants, effectively reducing their ability to use chakra and affecting their bodily functions. Sasuke clarified that these depressants significantly lowered their chakra flow to near zero, preventing them from utilizing chakra, molding it, or enhancing their physical attributes with it. As a result, Zumo and Shiroi were essentially reduced to normal humans temporarily. They were unable to withstand significant damage, lacked superhuman strength, speed, or durability, and were as ordinary as humans could be.

Zumo expressed dissatisfaction with this situation, but Sasuke understood that the training they were undergoing would be beneficial for their future development.*

*Sasuke explained that during his visit to the Otsutsuki realm, he discovered two destroyed symbols, indicating the presence of Otsutsuki threats. Believing that Earth needed greater military strength, he was focusing on honing Zumo and Shiroi's skills. Zumo questioned why Sasuke didn't simply ask them to leave without going through the process of sending them to jail and relocating them anonymously. Sasuke clarified that secrecy was essential to prevent the Otsutsuki from targeting them, as these beings often attacked the strongest individuals. Zumo also asked why Kurai and Jūden were left behind. Sasuke responded that he entrusted Kurai and Jūden to protect the village in case of an attack, while he needed Zumo and Shiroi to face consequences for their actions, a statement that left Zumo feeling disheartened.

Sasuke then directed Zumo to a nearby house, suggesting he get some rest for an early morning training session. Zumo was surprised he hadn't noticed the house earlier but acknowledged the advice and decided to call it a night.*

*On the other hand, Shiroi sat there, visibly upset with Hayashi. They had a strained relationship due to Hayashi's past actions towards Shiroi's mother and himself. Hayashi insisted that Shiroi needed rest and attempted to guide him towards the nearby house, but Shiroi ignored him. Despite Hayashi's efforts to inform Shiroi about early training the next day, Shiroi remained unresponsive. Hayashi, acknowledging Shiroi's arrogance, turned on the lights inside the house and closed the door behind him, leaving Shiroi outside.*

*Transition to Uzu*

*Uzu sat on his unkempt bed, engrossed in a video. His attention was so focused that he neglected to clean his dirty home. The video discussed relationships and coping with loss. Uzu appeared to be haunted by his past, and before long, he drifted off to sleep with the video still playing. Kakudai glanced through the window, observing his friend's decline and feeling deeply concerned.*

*The prison*

*Kakashi descended to a cell and was taken aback to find the mysterious figure awake. The figure mentioned sensing Kurai's senjutsu chakra and commented on Kurai's growing strength, noting that Kurai had not yet reached peak power. This revelation left Kakashi speechless.*

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