13 - Rainbow Themed Sleepover 🌈

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13 - Rainbow Themed Sleepover 🌈

Dunni had somehow cajoled her sisters and their delightful friend Bella to spend the night. Yes, she had been excited about beach day, but she was super excited to start their sleepover. It's funny the things you miss when you move away from home. Dunni missed having her sisters under the same roof. They exited the Landmark premiss at exactly 9 pm, a few hours before closing time. They had been there from 9 a.m. to think some of them had spent twelve hours on the beach.

They squeezed into the car and the ride home began. Once they arrived at their sprawling apartment building, they dragged their tired bodies out of the car and into the elevator. Eight tired bodies twisted into the steel contraption that ferried them home.

They emptied the elevator and congregated in front of the door. While Dami opened the door, Angie did the same to her apartment. She was going to take a shower and join them at the cool crib.

Once inside, the tour of the cool crib began. While Dola was telling them the importance of three separate rooms, Dunni went to shower. By the time the tour was finished, she had changed into her green matching pj set.

When Dolapo found out that Dunni wanted the girls to sleepover, she got the whole gang matching pj sets. The theme for their sleepover was colours of the rainbow. But there were eight girls and only seven colours in the rainbow. So someone was getting a white pj because the clouds were in the sky and they were white.

Once the house tour was over, Dunni sent the twins and Ella to her room to shower in their pyjamas. While they showered, Dunni went to the kitchen to start prepping the snacks needed for their sleepover.

Dunni was pulling out a tub of ice cream from the freezer when Angie, their odd woman out for the night, strolled in dressed in her white PJs.

"What do you need help with?" She asked jumping on Dunni's back.

"You are such a child," Dunni laughed pushing Ang off her back. "Help me bring the toppings."

Ella came out first dressed in her blue pyjamas. Temi and Tami came out a few minutes later, dressed in indigo and violet pyjamas and dragging a painting behind them. Dunni rose to her feet immediately, wondering what was happening. They propped the painting on the wall in plain view.

It was one of Dunni's recent pieces. It was inspired by Eden's Place and the concrete jungle idea. Tree-like skyscrapers were scattered along the cityscape and flowers bloomed from the buildings like they were trees. 

"Big sis! Is it you that painted this one?" Tami asked in between breaths.

"Yes," Dunni replied looking confused.

"It's so dope. If I had the money I for done buy am." Tami said switching to pidgin English. (I would have bought it)

"Sadly you are very broke," Temi whispered loudly, Ella and Dunni nodded in agreement. "Broke girls don't buy paintings."

"Also, I am the one that gives you most of the money you have. So if you buy it aren't you just giving me back my money?" Dunni asked with a serious expression.

Ella and Temi laughed but Tami glared at Dunni. "Yen yen yen." She said storming over to the sitting room and settling into a couch.

My little drama queen. Dunni thought shaking her head with a soft smile. At that moment Tami reminded Dunni of a bigger drama queen that she knew.

"I have money. I could buy it." Ella whispered.

Everyone was quiet until Tami broke the awkward silence with a loud laugh. "Ahn ahn Ella schmoney! Spend this money na." Tami had knelt on the couch and turned to face them.

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