Chapter 2

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"So, these are who I'll be up against, huh?" Prune Juice asked as the two of you flew to the Mountains of Trials and Harmony on your broom. "I must say, they seem quite powerful. But nothing a few potions won't counter."

"A few potions and possibly some hidden weaknesses." You replied, focusing up ahead so that you didn't crash into anything. Flying was never your forte in the first place. Prune Juice kept studying the footage of the two champions, and the footage of Capsaicin Cookie threatened to steal your attention in multiple occasions.

Unfortunately for you, Prune Juice took notice of this.

"Hm? What are you looking at Y/n?" He asked with a teasing smirk.

"Huh- Nothing! Nothing at all!" You hastily replied. "Just trying not to crash into a tree or anything."

"Uh-huh. Well, hard to do that when you're watching that recording of the champion from Scovillia. And don't try to deny it, I see you blushing a little."

You grumbled. "Shut up Prune..."

"You know you really don't have to be embarrassed Y/n. Chances are you'll only see him when he's facing me, so just remember to cheer me on and you should be fine."

"Actually shut up before I ram us right into a tree."

"You wouldn't."

"You don't know that."

"Perhaps I don't. But then again, I didn't know you were into the big, strong type either."


The two of you kept bickering, nearly crashing a couple times as you did. You had no idea how you both made it to the mountains in one piece.

The other schools had already arrived, meaning you and Prune Juice could truly get you first impressions of the other champions in person. Of course, Prune Juice went straight to showing off some of his potions to everyone there. You on the other hand tried to study the other champions.

Kouign-Amann Cookie was even more regal in real life. The way she carried herself, even with her giant sword, immediately made you understand why all the Cremé Knight students treated her like a princess. She didn't have the air of a normal paladin, she had the air of a warrior princess, and it demanded adoration. You were almost tempted to let her steal all your attention, but the Scovillian champion had already succeeded in that.

Capsaicin Cookie... he's quite a bit larger in real life, and it was obvious he's incredibly strong. Not just in his highly muscular build, but in his aura as well. You could feel his spice from where you were standing, and you were nowhere close to him. He held himself with pride, and you couldn't help but compare him to a glowing ember again. It was as if you could simply tap him, and your finger would burn.

His aura didn't command attention like Kouign-Amann's did, but you couldn't take your eyes off him. You weren't quite sure why, but you just couldn't. Not even when you were pretty certain Prune Juice was embarrassing himself again, but hearing the Headmaster say something in a pleased tone reassured you otherwise. It only served as an excuse for you to keep staring at Capsaicin Cookie, although you tried not to make it obvious.

"Ha ha! Wonderful!" A voice suddenly said through a microphone, pulling your attention away from Capsaicin Cookie finally. You nearly rolled your eyes when you saw it was just Gelato Trio Cookie and tune him out right away. He hosted the games every year, and his spiel was the same each time. Even as you headed into the stands of the field with all the other non-champions, you could barely bring yourself to care about anything but Capsaicin Cookie and how weird it felt to enter the stands without Prune Juice by your side, complaining about the tournament and how it was interrupting valuable time that could've been spent on perfecting experimental magic.

The spiel was the same old story of the founding of the tournament, and you just wanted it to be over. Every year a huge welcome feast was held to celebrate the start of the games, and you missed lunch due to taking extra time to get ready to head out so you were starving.

Even after the main speech was over, the Cremé Knight and Scovillian students were in a back and forth with each other about who's champion would win. Not a surprise, but you were caught off guard when you heard a couple of students cheering for Parfaedia. You looked around the stands, actually curious who was cheering as most Parfaedian students waited until the actual games started before going all out with the cheering.

You eventually found the sources of the cheering students, a couple of freshmen who you recalled were named Bilberry Cookie and Yuzu Cookie. You had to chuckle a little in respect, those two definitely had hope and passion for Prune Juice to win. It was actually a bit sweet.

Finally, Gelato Trio Cookie announced the start of the feast, and you got up quickly. Finally, you could get some food and reunite with Prune Juice. And maybe, just maybe, you could run into Capsaicin.

You shook that final thought out of your head. You? Encounter Capsaicin? Nah, that's not gonna happen. All you wanted to do was eat some food, chat with Prune Juice, and go to work on a couple experiments before bed. It was a simple plan, and you could probably leave the feast early as long as you told a teacher.

You were certain this plan would go off without a hitch.

Spells and Spice (Capsaicin Cookie x Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now