Chapter 5

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[So we hit 1k reads somehow.

Uhhhh thx for enjoying some shit I decided to make because why not. Maybe if y'all want it I could do a Q&A? Idk y'all-

Anyways enjoy-]


"That was.., a legit win, wasn't it?" A Parfaedian student asked admits the uncertain silence. You rolled your eyes in response.

"I don't see why not." You replied, making the student flinch a little at the sound of your voice. "The point of the game was to change the torch to your school's color by the time limit. Nothing said you couldn't use deception to pull a last minute win outta your ass."

"Yeah!" Yuzu Cookie agreed with you, even though you notice her seem a bit shocked with your sudden swearing. "A win is a win! Who cares?"

Yuzu's audible agreement with you seemed to open a floodgate of students also voicing their agreements at his clever strategy, even if they had a lot of concern. You simply sighed, but you couldn't really blame them.

Today's challenge just showed that in physical challenges, Prune Juice is at a major disadvantage. Kouign-Amann was as skilled with her sword as Prune Juice was with his potions. And considering her sword is the same size as her, there's no doubt she could hold her own without it.

And Capsaicin... he's at least twice Prune Juice's size, and unbelievably strong to boot. It was obvious from the start, but seeing how he turned the entire arena into a flaming wasteland... if Prune Juice didn't bring that fire resistance potion he would've burnt to a crisp.

You took one last look at the discussing Parfaedian students before leaving the commons. You knew you technically weren't allowed to leave after a certain time without permission, but you didn't really care. Prune Juice said he would meet you in the gardens, and while he would probably get permission to go, you knew it would be a lost cause. Who would let a 'troublemaker' out on their own anyways?

You walked through the halls of the housing building. It could've been because it was getting late, but all the doors were closed. Since there was no one around, you let your discomfort be expressed on your face and body language. It was kinda creepy.

As you approached the garden, you soon noticed some light emanating from the middle of it. With curiosity, you approached the softly glowing light. You kept your steps silent, trying to not draw any possible attention to yourself. You noticed the light seemed to be from glowing embers, and your eyes widened when you saw why that was.

In the middle of the garden, in an area clear of any flora surrounding him, was Capsaicin Cookie, seemingly training for the next event of the tournament.

You felt your heart pound a little, but you kept yourself hidden. What the hell is he doing out here?! You put your hands over your chest, you haven't been able to feel your heartbeat like this in a long time.

You took a deep breath, you'll give it a few minutes. If Prune Juice doesn't show up, you'll get the hell outta doge before Capsaicin even knew you where there.

"Oh, heya!" A voice said, nearly giving you a heart attack. "Haven't seen you around, those are Parfaedian robes, aren't they?"

"Yeah, how could you tell?" You replied with a bit more hostility than you intended once you recovered, not looking over to the source of the voice. "Was it the school logo that gave it away?"

"Heh, yeah! I did!"

"You're quite the enthusiast one." You turned your head to look at the cookie who was talking to you. "Eh, what the hell, name's Y/n Cooki- holy shit."

"Y/n Cookie? That's a nice name! Mine's Capsaicin Cookie!"

You could only stand in surprise for a couple seconds. Capsaicin was way larger up close, at least twice your size, and you now notice the strength and spice radiating from him. His smile was wide and boisterous, but his expression softened a lot once he saw your guard was up.

"Ah, is something wrong?" Capsaicin asked. "Did I scare you?"

"Eh, I guess 'surprised' is more like it." You replied, pouting a little in an attempt to pull yourself together. "What are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you be preparing for tomorrow?"

"Ah, well, I couldn't really go to sleep, so I decided to train a little to make myself tired! What about you?"

"Just came out here to meet up with a friend, it's not important who."

"Alright then." You couldn't help but notice Capsaicin's smile, full of genuine friendliness. He seemed like the carefree type, that's for sure, and it was honestly pretty cute.

"Well, I probably should get back." Capsaicin said after a while of you two standing in silence. "Need to rest up for tomorrow, am I right?"

"I guess, probably better than standing here and talking to me."

"Well... I wouldn't say that! But I really should get back. Maybe I'll see you again sometime?"

"I doubt it, but maybe. Cya."

"Heh, see you later!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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