Chapter 4

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The day has finally come for the Triple Cone Cup to start, and you headed over to the arena with all the other non-champion students. It felt weird without Prune Juice by your side, he's always been with you both during the Triple Cone Cup and in school. Without him, it just felt lonely. Not like anyone else would want to be around the 'Chaotic Witch of Parfaedia' anyways.

If anything, the fact you can see friend groups all around you as you took your seat in the arena felt like the universe was rubbing your loneliness in your face. You just had another reason to want these goddamn games to be over.

As you expected, the only students around you were from other schools, the people who didn't know of your reputation. It beat being completely alone, but it pissed you off a bit nonetheless.

So you accidentally destroyed some stuff with dangerous magic, it was still an accident. People make them all the time and for some reason whenever you slip up people talk about it like you're some unhinged troublemaker even after you apologize and make things right to the best of your abilities. Talk about unfair.

"Uhm, excuse me!" A high pitched voice said, pulling you out of your bitter thoughts.

"Hm?" You looked over to see who it was, and you saw the two freshmen from yesterday, the ones who were cheering for Prune Juice. "Do you two need something from me?"

"We're sorry if we're disturbing you Y/n Cookie." The purple one, Bilberry Cookie apologized. "But is it ok if we sit next to you?"

"Yeah," the orange one, Yuzu Cookie added. "All the seats in the Parfaedia section are full."

"Sure." You answered, your voice not reflecting much, if any of your relief that someone from your school decided to sit next to you. "And you can drop the formalities, just call me Y/n."

"Oh, alright, thanks Y/n!" The two sat down next to you and talked amongst themselves, mostly about how worried they were for Prune Juice. You had to keep from rolling your eyes, everyone was already so tense this morning, even as they were wishing Prune Juice good luck. They were worried he wouldn't be able to beat the other champions, who clearly have years of fighting experience under their belts.

You weren't worried of course. You and Prune Juice spent the entire evening before lights out coming up with strategies and brewing potions, whatever they have coming, he could take it.

"Ah, the excitement in the air! The roar of the audience!" Gelato Trio Cookie said, his voice being blasted all over the arena and cutting right through your thoughts. "I bet every Cookie here is anticipating a fierce competition!"

With the competition about to begin, Gelato Trio Cookie went through the rules and history behind the Triple Cone Cup. The winner of each round gets a relic from our ancestors... the three founders of the schools started the competition and schools to settle some feud... you heard this so many times it was just all blah to you now. What you were really here for was to cheer for Prune Juice as he kicked the asses of the other two champions.

'And to see Capsaicin Cookie.' A small part of you said in the back of your head. You quickly dismissed this thought, that guy is the enemy, you're here to root for Prune Juice. And your hyperfocus on the Scovillian champion won't change anything.

After what felt like an hour, Gelato Trio Cookie finally called the champions into the arena, and the arena erupted with cheers for each champion. Well, the Scovillian and Cremé Knight students erupted, the Parfaedian students, while still cheering, were noticeably were less enthusiastic, with the only ones really cheering being Yuzu Cookie and Bilberry Cookie, and even then you could tell Bilberry Cookie was hesitant.

You scoffed, they were hesitant about cheering because they didn't think Prune Juice could win. All because 'he can't use magic'. What a load of bullshit, if that was really what they were worried about, they would've thrown you into the ring, but they also went on about how you would probably crumble someone or destroy the whole arena.

Well, whatever. It doesn't matter anyways, things have been like this since Year 1. The two black sheep of Parfaedia, one unable to use magic, and the other so powerful others see them as a disaster waiting to happen. It was unfair bullshit in every way possible, but at this point you were used to it.

You tuned Gelato Trio Cookie out during the explanation of the game, focusing instead on the champions below. Prune Juice seemed as unbothered as always, but you could tell he was cooking some strategy up. Seriously, his smirks hide nothing.

Kouign-Amann Cookie seemed determined, yet still regal. You could definitely picture her on a throne in some sort of fancy castle, she must be of royal descent or something. No way she could be a regular paladin.

And Capsaicin Cookie... he was bursting with enthusiasm and intensity. He was practically glowing with excitement for the game to start. He really is a burning ember, one about to burst into flames.

You quickly banished these thoughts, you're here to root for Prune Juice, not simp for some guy from another school.

Finally, after what felt like a long ass time, the games started. The students all around you started cheering at the top of their lungs, and you sat back to watch shit go down and hope Prune Juice sweeps.

Spells and Spice (Capsaicin Cookie x Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now