Chapter Thirty Eight

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On the open sea the Targaryen fleet sails swiftly towards Dragonstone. Grey Worm and Missandei stand together on deck. Below deck Tyrion sits and is speaking to Varys who is standing nearby with a shocked expression.

"Think of the past twenty years." Tyrion misses. "The war, the murder, the misery. All of it because Robert Baratheon loved someone who didn't love him back."

"How many others know?" Varys asks as he sits.

Tyrion considers a moment. "Including us? Nine."

Varys sighs. "Well, then it's not a secret anymore. It's information. If a handful of people know now, hundreds will know soon. Then what happens?"

Tyrion drinks a big gulp of his wine. "She loses the support of the North. No matter what Jon and Alyssays want. And she loses the Vale, Sansa will make sure of that."

Varys considers. "No, it's worse than that. He has the better claim to the throne. Especially with Alyssays by his side."

Tyrion shakes his head. "He doesn't want the throne. Neither of them do." He begins to pace.

Varys shakes his head. "I'm not sure it matters what they want. The fact is, people are drawn to him. Wildlings, Northmen. He's a war hero. And the only reason Alyssays does not inspire the same fervor as Daenerys is because she purposely hides in the shadows. She is very likely the only person who could keep the Unsullied and Dothraki from completely revolting."

Tyrion is very quiet for a moment. "He loves Alyssays, beyond anything, even his people or his siblings. And if I am sure of anything it is that Alyssays is loyal to the queen. Their marriage will continue to keep the Starks and Targaryens from war. The promise that their child, one raised as a Stark, will rule after Daenerys, may keep Sansa at bay.

Varys curls his with distaste. "She's his aunt." He realizes.

"That never stopped a Targaryen before." Tyrion reminds him. "And if I understand the timeline correctly, they were both aware before they said their vows."

"I'm surprised," Varys admits. "She grew up expecting to marry her brother, but Jon grew up in Winterfell. Marrying your aunt is hardly common in the North?" He gives Tyrion a look. "But the bigger issue is how our queen is going to react to the threat to her power. You know her better than I do. She does not like to have her authority questioned."

"Something she has in common with every monarch who ever lived." Tyrion remarks.

"She tolerates it with Alyssays, but once Jon starts exercising influence on her." Varys shrugs.

"I think far to many are underestimating the Silver Seers strength. And dismissing the fact that Alyssays Targaryen and Brandon Stark are playing the game with tools and foresight none of us can comprehend." Tyrion declares.

"You and I have both seen it, Alyssays can move pieces, but she cannot control people.  I worry the Queens state of mind." Varys frowns.

Tyrion leans against a bench. "We are advisors to the queen. Worrying about her state of mind is our job." Tyrion looks down at his cup of wine. "We still have to take King's Landing. Maybe Cersei will win and kill us all. That would solve our problems."

The Targaryen ship drops anchor and another furls its sails, while other ships in the distance have already set anchor. Rahegal, Drogon and Daegar fly overhead and soar over the castle, enjoying themselves. Daenerys is riding atop Drogon, but Daegar is riderless.

Instead Alyssays sits on Rhaegal's back and  Daenery's is watching her sister with a worried look. Suddenly, Alyssays eyes flare brightly for a split second and she pulls sharply on Rhaegal's spines causing him to pitch to the side just as a huge bolt cuts a long slash along the side of his chest. He screeches in alarm as they struggle to continue flying. Another bolt flies over his head and a third  finally manages to slice through his wing leaving a angry gash in the leathery membrane.

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