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Alex's pov

After our little swim we reached the car trying to get out of here as fast as we could.

"Well, the good news is Lamonsoff finally did the jump for real." Kurt said as we all neared the car.

"And the bad news is he landed on my face! What are you, made of rocks, dude?" Higgins said.

"Are you kidding me?" I said frustrated and grabbed the adults' attention.


"They slashed our tires!" I answered getting angry.

"These kids won't stop abusing us!" Dad complained.

"Damn you!" Lenny yelled.

"This wasn't college kids. It was my son, Satan." Higgins said as he grabbed the headless teddy bear from the car.

After we left the lake we went to dad's garage trying to get the car fixed.

"And why is this kid so angry? His mom hiccupped a lot, but she was happy! And hot." Higgins started talking about his problems with me and dad.

"If she's so hot, why don't you make her your late-night booty call?!" A man looking woman shouted and left the room with a yell.

"Oh, Beefcakes! Come on, baby!" Higgins called after her. Me and dad started laughing. Hard.

"You've been sneaking around with Fabio?" Dad said making me laugh more.

"It's not funny, guys! She's gonna kick the crap out of me later!" He said slightly scared. Dad pulled two little boxes out of his pockets and started drinking them.

"A little five-hour Energy, huh?" Higgins said as dad finished the first bottle and then opened the second one.

"500-hour Energy?"

"I drink it for the taste, okay?" Dad said as he finished the second one.

"Oh, my God, you gonna jog to Florida after this?"

The three of us went outside and saw Kurt and Lenny standing in front of a car tire.

"Higgins, dummy, hop in this thing for a minute." Lenny said.

"For what?"

"Just get in the tire!" Lenny said. "No way! In there?" Higgins said slightly scared.

"Five yards we'll roll you. We've done it. I would do it if I could get in there." Lenny said trying to convince him.

"This is peer pressure, you're bullying." Higgins said as he got in the tire.

"And I promise you I'll stop you and I love you." Lenny said with a chuckle.

"Don't let him do it. He's jacked up on juice." Higgins said and pointed at dad. "and her either she hates my guts." He said and pointed at me.

"And a-one, and a-two."

"Mommy's got you."

"and a-three!" And with that they rolled the tire.

"Okay, five feet. Grab me. Hello!" Higgins shouted. "Lenny!"

"Hey, Keithie. Meet me at the football field, but don't tell your mother." Lenny said as he answered his phone.

"Why am I still rolling? Lenny!"



And with that we started chasing after the tire. Did i mention that i suck at running? When the tire finally stopped rolling i was out of breath.
Higgins started throwing up and i gagged at the scene in front of me. Then lenny and the other two started fighting about who will go to the tire next.

"What happened?" Higgins said as he stood up from the tire kinda dizzy.

"I got a phone call." Lenny said simply.

"Oh. Okay. I forgive you. Was it long-distance or something?" He asked Lenny. Before he could even answer the cop interrupted them.

"Don't want to kick a guy while he's down, Higgins, but we caught your son with a can of spray paint looking like he was up to no good." He informed Higgins.

"You lied about the soup. You lied about the soup!" Braden put his head out of the window of the police car and shouted at Higgins.

After the the fiasco with the tire me and dad went home to get changed. Dad said that he got an appointment with a dude named Renaldo.

I changed into some fresh clothes and me and mom decided to visit grandma.

Soft music was playing through the radio in our car. Mom was driving us to grandma while i was looking out the window lost in my thoughts.

"So a little birdie told me that you like a guy." Mom broke the silence. I look at her with widen eyes. "Come on Nancy told me."

"I sometimes forget that you and her are like sisters." I mumbled kind of annoyed that she spilled it all to my mom.

"So who is it?" Mom asked excited wanting to find out more. "You won't freak out right?" She answered with a simple nod and i finally told her.

"It's Greg."

"Oh my god! Little Greggie? Your dad owes me ten bucks." She said with a chuckle. "you made a bet on me?" I asked her and chuckled along with her.

"Come on honey why don't you talk to him?" She asked me wanting to know why I'm so scared to talk to him.

"It's just- i don't want to ruin our friendship okay? What if he doesn't like me back? I'll lose him and maybe destroy our friendship. Imagine how awkward it will be. I don't want any of that. And i heard that he likes Nancy." I rambled to my mom telling her every single one of my thoughts.

"I don't believe a second that yours and Greg's friendship will be ruined believe me. And why don't you think he likes you? Have you seen you? You're hot." I chuckled at her statement.

"What I'm trying to say is that if he doesn't like you it's his loss okay? And if it's meant your friendship ends you kinda have to accept it. Not everything in life is fair remember that. But jist because you think that you will no be friends anymore doesn't mean it stands. I mean maybe he likes you back. Maybe if he doesn't you could still be best friends. My point is, you cannot predict anything. You don't know what he feels or how. So my solution to all of this is to confess and see what happens." She finished and i just looked at her taking all of the above into consideration. 

"Just think about it okay? Now let's go." She said and we got out of the car.

As we entered the house we saw grandma and dad?

"Honey?" Mom said very confused on why dad is here.

"Hi, Sally, Alex." He said nervously as he flipped the table on the ground.

"What are you doing here dad?" I asked him.

"I... No, I just came to see if Mommy was alive. And looking now, she's breathing, she's good." He quickly replied. "What are you doing here?"

"We were bringing your mother a new fan for the summer." Mom explained. Good luck dad. You'll need it.

"That's good."

"You said you couldn't get coffee with us because you had a 3:30 appointment with a Mr. Renaldo." I said slightly annoyed that dad lied to us just to be here.

"Hello, ladies!" The man on the tv said. "You! Can't be! We killed you. Last week." The two ladies in the tv were heard.

"You actually think two amateurish nitwits could kill The Great Renaldo?"

"I told you." Dad said and pointed his finger at grandma.

"You did. You called it." She said with a smile. "So that's the great Renaldo." I said.

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