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I opened the front door of my house and came face to face with my mother whose face was filled with a giant smile.

She quickly dragged me and sat us down on the couch.

"Tell me everything!" She said excitedly waiting for me to inform her about what happened with Greg obviously.

"He asked her out!" Nancy grabbed the chance and said quickly. Her and mom started yelling happily. "Okay. Okay. Let's just calm down. And freak about what i will wear tonight." I said and they both nodded.

We went to my room and both mom and nancy sat on my bed looking at the options i had to wear. "This is it." Mom said and showed me the outfit. My outfit was inspired by Sandy from Grease. (Outfit above 👆)

Mom left my room as soon as i got dressed in order to get my younger siblings ready for the party.

"Aren't you gonna do anything with your hair?"nancy asked me. I finished applying red lipstick and turned to look at her. "Nah i think i will live it like that."

'Like that' meaning my hair being straight again. I decided to just let it be.

"Honey it's time to go!" We heard my mom shouting from downstairs.


After we reached the Feder's residence my mom went somewhere with the moms, Donna was with Charlotte, Bean was with Becky and Braden, Higgins son and that left me and dad with his friends.

"Lenny, that's big, man." I said as we all sat down in the enormous yard. I was sitting on the couch next to Higgins.

"Yeah, four kids is the best." Kurt said. "What are you talking about, Prince? You told me it would be the worst if that happened." Lenny answered.

"There's a lot of great aspects to that. Like, when Junior graduates high school, you'll be 64." Dad added. "How is that a good thing?" Lenny asked.

"Actually, it's horrifying. I didn't do the math before I opened my mouth. Sorry." Dad said. I snorted and he gave me a glare which i shrugged it off.

"Whoo. Nice job, Cher." Higgins joked referring to dad's costume.

"Okay, I'm not Cher. I'm Meat Loaf, all right Yeah." Dad fought back.

"You're Meat Loaf, or you're made of meat loaf?" Higgins continued teasing him.

"Who are you, Doug Henning?" I finally spoken trying to defend my dad.

"I'm Oates." Higgins glared at me.

"Where's Hall?" Kurt asked.

"Hall's having a playdate with your kids." He pointed at Braden who was playing with Bean and Becky.

"Anyway, you got nothing to worry about, Lenny. All right? You're a great dad." I said trying to give him some comfort.

"Right, I know. I broke my son's leg today. That's a real good dad." Lenny said and looked down.

"Guys, you're bumming me out, all right? This is supposed to be party time." Higgins said.

"This isn't gonna be a real party. I'm drinking a juice box, cause I'm afraid my wife's gonna yell at me for getting drunk in front of the kids!" Lenny said.

"How many of you guys have been to a party in the past six months?" He asked and all three man raised their hands.

"A party without a bouncy house." Kurt and dad putted their hands down.

"A party where they actually invited you." And with that Higgins copied their actions.

"The party's over, fellas. You saw the way those frat guys treated us today. We're irrelevant. We're losers. We're old." Lenny listed off.

"Lamonsoff totally surrendered." He continued. "He's got a fanny pack on now, for God's sake."

"You know what, first of all, it's a "survanny" pack, a survival fanny pack, with many special features." He said as he stood up. Soon Lenny and Higgins copied his actions but i decided to not to.

"So you pull that triangle and lasagna comes out?" Higgins joked again about dad's pack.

"Why don't you give it a shot?" Dad challenged them.

"You got it. I'll pull the string." Lenny said and stepped forward, pulling the string causing a raft to explode and pushing all three of them on the ground.

"Like a raft out of hell!" He shouted and raised his hands in the air.

"Yeah, good one, that was good." Lenny chuckled as he stood up.

"Don't ever say the party's over!" He shouted and stood on the wooden table. It snapped. And broke.

"That didn't happen."


Soon enough the guests started to come in and in a matter of minutes the house was full with people drinking, dancing around and having fun.

I was with Nancy and some of our friends from school talking and having fun.

"This heels are killing me." I complained. I took them off and held them. "Hey look who's here." Nancy said, a smirk playing on her lips as she pointed someone behind me.

I turned around and laid my eyes on Greg. He was in just a shirt on. Next to him was Bailey with a beer in his hands.

Greg took off his glasses and gave me a wave as a greeting which i returned and began making his ways towards us. As he started walking he tripped on the cable and the band stopped singing.

I sniffed a laugh but then stopped when i heard a voice singing. I turned around and saw Charlotte singing. Beautifully may i add.

I made my way towards the Mackenzies who were admiring the talent of their daughter.

Charlotte noticed the stares she got and stopped singing. Everyone started clapping for her and she smiled shyly.

"Charlotte, that was amazing!" I said with a giant smile playing on my lips.

"Where'd you learn to sing like that?" Kurt asked her. "No place. I just sing a little in the shower." She smiled.

"Maybe you should stick to the shower. 'Cause I gots the power I'm on Today Show Dissing Matt Lauer." Bumpty interrupted.

"Bumpty! Do me a favor and shut your mouth before I slap that Mohawk into a chin strap." Deanne threatened him.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" Him and his parents said at the same time.

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