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Hiiii guys!!!! Next update! You finally have your really late update...


Wow. I'm late to my first class on my first day of Goode High. 


I burst into the class and got told to sit next to this Drew girl. She had wavy dark hair which fell perfectly on her shoulders and on her back. She was wearing two inch long fake lashes.

Yes, they were the longest fake lashes I've ever seen. I don' have anything agains it really, it's just way too long for me.

Why am I rambling about fake lashes., I thought frowning.

Drew smiled sweetly at me and I noticed a guy in the back looking at both of us in alarm.

He had raven black messy hair and a beautiful color mixed between green and blue for his eyes. It looked like waves in the sea.

Wait... sea.

Sea blue... sea green.

That's officially my favorite color along with grey.

I stared at him and he caught my gaze and mouthed:

Don't trust Drew!

Drew seemed kind of nice... except she always asked me questions and kept complimenting me.

That's a good thing right?

After class, even invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch.

I wanted to tell her I'm not sure and I wanted to meet more people first, but she was already walking down the hall like a supermodel with seven girls following close behind her, two of them being Kelli and Tammy from Homeroom C. 

I noticed how people backed away from them while a few girls smirked at them and others glared. They acted as if they were superior the these students which I disliked.

Oh... Drew is the kind of girl I should probably stay away from except I don't want to get bullied..., I thought.

"Don't even think about joining Drew's "posse".", a male voice said behind me.

I turned to face the sea green eyed guy from the back that kept glaring at Drew. He was looking ar Drew and her friends who seemed to be talking to a girl light brown skin and pretty curly hair. Her hazel eyes shone with worry as Drew advanced smirking.

"I can befriend whoever I want.", I said, crossing my arms. I didn't want to, but I wanted to know more on this Drew to make my final decision.

"Oh crap, she already invited you to sit with her and her minions.", he said sighing sadly.


"And... why is this a bad idea? I'm in a new school and I want to make new friends", I asked, trying to get as much out of him as possible.

"She tries to get every pret- nice looking new girl to join her little squad or whatever it is. She almost changed one of my friends.", he replied looking down at his feet sadly at the memory. "She's also the wrong type of friend. I'm Percy by the way"

"I'm Annabeth. What do you mean she's a bad frien-", I start, but I was cut of by Drew scratching the curly haired girl with her long nails. I watched as the girl screamed in pain and anger boiled in my stomach.

I quickly ran over there and judo flipped Drew and signalled the girl to leave which she did gratefully. 

Drew was lucky she wasn't in a skirt or dress today like her "minions" as Percy called them. 

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