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Late chapterrrrrr!!! Yay!!! -note the sarcasm- Anyways a lot has been going on lately so yeah I've been a bit busy... on wattpad... talking about... other stuff... and soemtimes getting lied to and stuff- enough about me! Enjoy!

Percy wasn't back even after the bell rang.

I started to worry as the minutes went by and counted them ine by one.

1 minute. 2 minutes. 3 minutes. 4 minutes...

I made it to eleven minutes when Percy burst into the room.

"Sorry sir! I had to deal with... stuff."

"Ok Mr. Jackson. I'll let you go this one time. Ms Chase has a free seat next to her."

I smiled as he sat down next to me, which he returned half heartidly. I internally frowned but decided against showing it.

"So what's up?" I asked after he sighed for the fifth time.


"Oh," I said, looking down at my papers.

"No not in that way! She just found out she's soulmate-less..."

"Wait what?!?!" I responded in shock.

"Yeah she went against her soulmate for me... I feel really bad. Some guy called Luke Castellan."

At the name Luke, my whole world fell apart. Luke was now soulmate-less? Because Rachel chose Percy over him?

I felt tears threaten to spill for my best friend.


This can't be happening.

"Are you okay?"

Percy's voice sounded distant now, like there were three different Percys.

Without thinking I got up and ran out of the classroom, ignoring the startled quetions from the teacher and Percy calling after me.

I ran off the campus and dialed Luke's number.

"Hello?" A voice said on the other end, laced with sadness.

"Hey Luke," I said softly.

"Hi Annie," he answered.

"Are you okay?" 

"Yes! Of course! Never better..." he replied his voice cracking as if he were on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry about Rachel."

All I got was silence.

"She goes here, you know? Changed everything about herself to please... someone."

More silence.

"The someone turned her down though."

Even more silence.

"Are you going to say something?"

I heard Luke sigh before saying, "C-can I at least talk to her once?"


"Sure," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

I put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and went into the school. 

Everything was silent apart from the seemingly distant voices of teachers in the classrooms and occasional students. I heard sniffling and crying coming from one of the bathrooms and I walked over silently.

Calypso and Rachel were both on the bathroom floor, Rachel crying on Calypso's shoulder. 

Rachel's had dark watery lines making their way down her face from the now smeared mascara and eyeliner. Her hair had turned frizzy again and was wet and her fake nails looked like they'd been cut of with scissors. Her cheerleader outfit was ripped to shreds and she had a hoodie wrapped around her ripped outfit. The end of the skirt looked like were cut by a toddler and the tank top had weird cat drawings all over it.

Calypso was wuietly whispering words into Rachel's ear about everything was going to be okay.

"I c-can't believe h-he didn't like this... and w-shy would she do this?" Rachel managed to mutter out between tears.

"I don't know... and I've never really thought of Percy as the kind of guy to go for the populars or the cheerleaders," Calypso said with a smile, "you shouldn't change yourself just for a guy."

"I know I messed up! I'm soulmate-less!!! The one guy meant for me aren't meant for each other anymore," she answered before continuing to sob.

"And don't blame yourself for what Drew and her little clique did to you...  that was her plan all along. If you got close to Percy she would break you verbally, but since I guess that didn't work she just beat you up."

 I gasped and both girls turned to me. I came out from behind the door to face thrm awkwardly and looked down to the floor.

"H-how long have you been there?" Rachel asked, her voice breaking.

"Long enough."

"Why aren't you in class," Calyspo questionned wiping Rachel's face with a piece of paper to get rid of the mascara.

"I-I heard what happened from Percy... and Luke Castellan was my best friend in California," I answered slowly.

I watched as both of their faces dropped in shock.

"- and he wants to talk to you," I finished.

Calypso looked at Rachel who sighed and they both seemed to have a conversation in their minds before Rachel turned to me with a sad smile, "Ok. I'll talk to him."

I took out my phone and called him in complete silence. No one said a word.


"Uh hey Luke I'm with Rachel."

"Hey," Rachel said shyly.

I handed the phoen and smiled a bit. 

"We'll give you two some privacy," Calypso said quickly before exiting the bathroom.

"Yeah. Give me the phone when you're done okay?" I told Rachel, giving her a small wave.

Rachel nodded then turned away, listening to whatever Luke was telling her.

"I think they could be friends," Calypso decided, smiling at me.

"Me too."

Ok not much Percabwth in this one but NEXT CHAPTER I PROMISE!!!!!!!! Sorry for the late update I'll do my best with my updating schedule I know it's not the best...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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