Chapter 2

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The next day he waited. I will keep them safe, he thought determinedly. Five minutes before ten they showed up. He watched them pull in. I can do this, he thought, nobody will hurt anyone while I'm here.

"Luke!" Jade hugged him. In his ear, she said, "Don't worry. I didn't tell her you like her." She pulled back and he glared. She smirked.

"Mr. Philips? Do you think he'll come after us? If he was, wouldn't he have done it by now? He hasn't done anything to me," Kate said.

"Call me Lucas and yes. Both of you were in his circle and he killed three of his friends already. He is probably biding his time. Waiting for you to come out into the open." He sighed. "Let me take you to your rooms. Would you like August to share with the baby?"

Kate smiled. "Nah, he'll be in my room."

"Okay." After he showed them their rooms there was a knock on the door. His best friend Kristen Wells was standing there. Kristen was on his team at the station.

"Kris, come on in." Lucas led him to the living room. "How's Christina?"

"Great. What case are you working on?"

"The Zack Graph case."

"Heard he killed three of his friends."

"He did. My sister was his friend and is staying with me so I can keep her safe. So is Kaitlyn Chapper. She used to be friends with Zack, too. She's pregnant with his kid, though he doesn't know it. She also has a three-year-old. If Zack finds out about the baby he'll come after her. So she's under my protection as well."

"Dude, Braden worked that case. The manager wanted to be set free. Amazingly he got what he wanted."

"He's in jail now. I put him there one month ago. He's still there."

Jade came into the room with August. She looked worried. So did Kate as she followed. "Luke, August has something to tell you. It's important."


"I saw the bad man," August stated.


"On our way here. After mommy put me in her car." She pointed at Jade.

Kris sat up straighter. "How did you know it was him?"

"News picture. They showed him on the tv. I watched it with mommy last night." She looked at Lucas. "Who's he?"

"Detective Kristen Wells. My best friend."

Jade stepped forward. "Tell him the rest, August. He needs to know it all."

"He followed us for a little while then he left. It was blue."

"Luke, I didn't notice it. Kate said she saw but didn't recognize the drive. I was driving and she was in the passenger but we were talking. It could be why August noticed him."

Kate stepped in. "It was a blue Toyota Tundra. I didn't see the license plate though. Sorry, I know that would have helped you."

Kris looked out the window. "It would have. Nobody's outside your house at the moment, dude."

Lucas thought for a minute. "Okay, here's what we'll do. Jade, I want you to give Kris your keys. Kris, get rid of the car." He held up a hand to stop Jade's protests. "Jay, Zack knows your car. It's not safe to have it anymore. You three can't leave the house. Unless you need to get to the hospital, Kate,' he added. Krist left.



"I'm glad you're my brother."

He smiled. "Just be glad I became a detective instead of being a plumber like mom and dad wanted."

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