Chapter 4

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In the morning he rolled over and watched Kate sleep for a few minutes. Then he took a shower and made breakfast. Kate came downstairs with Kyle and August. They all sat and ate. After doing the dishes Lucas said, "Kate, I have to get back to work on the Graph case."


"I'll see you later." He kissed her and left. He went to Madison's house. Lucas grabbed what he needed and knocked. She opened the door and motioned him in. They went to the kitchen this time.

"What can I do for you, Detective?"

"I am now working on your parents' case and have some questions."


"Simon said he had been invited for dinner that night. Were you invited?"

"No. My parents didn't always invite us all."

"Were you close to them?"

"Yes. We all were."

"You know Zack could have killed them.

"He wouldn't have. He loved them and they loved him. Like I told you before they always bailed him out of jail so he loved them for this."

"Mrs. Parker, do you know Roxy Philips?"

"Oh yes. She was my parent's friend. Is she a relation of yours?"

"My older sister. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt them?"

"No. Everyone that knew them loved them."

"Were they suicidal?"

"No, they loved life."

"I doubt they would have told you if they were."

"We are a truthful family. We always tell the truth. Well except Zack of course."

He stood. "Other than Roxy, who were their other friends?"

"Roxy was the only one."

"How? You just said that whoever they met the people loved them."

"Doesn't mean they were friends, Detective. You can like someone and not be friends."

"Thank you. Have a nice day, Mrs. Parker." He drove around trying to sort through his thoughts and decided he would call Roxy.

"What, Lucas?" She sounded annoyed. This was also evident in the fact she called him Lucas instead of Luke.



"How long did you know Mr. and Mrs. Graph."

"Ten years."

"Since you were twenty?"

"Yes. Have a problem with that?"

"No, just surprised. Do you have any information for me?"


"Okay b..."

"Don't you dare hang up! It's my turn to ask questions. Why didn't you tell me you got married?"

"How did you know?" They hadn't told anyone. Except for Jade. Did she tell Roxy?

"Kate told Jade and Jade told me." That answered his unasked question.

"Rox, chill. I eloped with Kate yesterday and today I am working on my case. I've been busy."

"Busy? To tell me you got married? And why on earth did you elope? I thought you would want a big wedding."

"I didn't want to wait and Kate never had thought of marriage before. Besides, a big wedding is expensive."

"I told mom, you pain."

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