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wake up.

Wake up.

Wake. Up.


You're awake. Everything hurts. Your jaw hurts, your stomach hurts, your legs, arms, head, just your whole body. You open your mouth to try and call for... Anyone. But even simply opening your mouth, hurts. It's cold. It's dark, empty and it reeks in here There's cuts and bruises all over your body.

Sitting up on what appears to be a hospital bed, an incredibly uncomfortable one, you rub your head not being able to remember anything that happened. Strange. Weren't you at home with your boyfriend Miles? Weren't you watching a movie eating snacks and food his mother gave us?... You went out. Now you remember.

"I'll be back Miles! I just need to get something out of my car okay?"... No response. He was acting extremely weird ever since he came back home from Mr and Mrs. Morales' house to grab some things, he wasn't as... Happy and energetic anymore. Was there some sort of argument with his parents? Was it something you had done? What was the problem? You never figured it out. After going outside and not even 40 seconds later, you're being choked out. Seems they only wanted you unconscious but not dead. You don't know who it was.

Putting all of that aside, you try to get up and hopefully walk, stumbling and falling immediately. Hurts like hell. Grabbing something to balance yourself onto, you hear someone.. Yelling? Screaming maybe? Their voice sounds familiar. Reminds you of Miles when he's yelling at people in a game... Miles? Miles! That's Miles!

Using whatever strength you can, you slowly but surely follow what you think his voice is. To your surprise, it's actually Miles. "Miles.?" Miles appears to be strapped to a table. There's tiny cuts everywhere from what you can see.

"B-Baby.! Y/N is that you! Please come closer! Are you okay.! I've been here for so long I-.. Who did that to you?" Miles looks you up and down, immediately seeing all of the bruises along with a few big cuts on you.

"I don't... I don't know." You pause before taking a few seconds to process what he had just said. "What do you mean you've been here for so long?... You were home... Watching a movie with me. Remember?" Miles looks terrified.

"No I wasn't. I've been here for days Y/N. Maybe even weeks. I wasn't there. Who were you with Y/N?"

"I was with... You? Is this some sort of prank? Because it isn't funny! None of this is funny!" You look st Miles and think he's looking at you. He's not.

He's looking behind you. At someone who looks exactly like him.

A/n: Hello, hello, I actually wrote this in my notes because I didn't have any internet to write it anywhere else instead so... 💀 Wc: 452

Have a cool great awesome n amazing day or night and if anyone even reads this, but if like, if anyone could tell me what else to write that would be cool💀

Anyways, bye bye

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