Miles you klutz..

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Creds to @nicpali for the idea, school is starting in like, a week and i cant think of anything

Your pov.

Miles. The new boy. He's kind of cute, but hes incredibly clumsy. So clumsy that most of this things fall out of his bag while hes running up and down the hallway, back and forth to classrooms and to his locker. You and plenty of other student see this but no one tells him or picks it up to return it to him. So you do.

Before you started picking up his things, you'd always see Miles look for his things in class, searching inside his bag everywhere before he realizes he doesn't have it. Since you actually sit behind the boy, he taps your shoulder and quietly whispers to you. “H-hey.. You got a red pen I could borrow real quick?”

You lean back Yeah, I know how you are sometimes. Here.” You hand the boy a red ballpoint pen and flash him a quick, small smile before going back to drawing the example and writing the notes that were projected onto the projector.

After a whole nother hour of your physics teacher talking, the bell rings and now you have a break period.

Miles' pov.

“Where the heck is all my stuff going!.. All my stuff is disappearin' out my ba— Ah!... Where you come from Y/N? Wussup?” I was in the middle of looking through my locker and not gonna lie.. They startled the hell out of me.

“Hey Miles! I keep finding what I think is... Yours on the ground. Like, literally everywhere. All of this stuff is yours right? I even found a lil' drawing of m—”

I snatch the drawing out of their hand and laugh nervously before stuffing it in my pocket and taking the rest of my stuff too. “That– That's nothin'.! Ion know who drew that! Hahahah! That's so silly I– Haha wha— Imagine that.”

I say in a deep voice before starting to sweat. “I-i mean— You– Just–... Thank you, Y/N. I'm a mess right now I know. Thank you for picking up my stuff. You uh..” I start to squeeze the strap on my bad before speaking incredibly fast. “Areyoutrynagooutwithmelaterbecauseireallywanttoandmymomislettingmehavealittlefreedom!”

Your pov.

...Huh? Did he say he wants to go out with me? “I've just been... Liking you for a hot minute and um.. I don't think that if I don't say this now, then I'll never get a chance to later.” Miles rubs the back of his neck and kicks his foot, the tip of his shoe hitting the floor, but making sure he DOES NOT,,, crease his J's.

I take out a pencil and rip out a small piece of paper from my notebook and write my number on it, handing it to Miles and waving. “Call me when you're out of here, yeah? See you after school.” I say before walking off and smiling to myself.

Miles' pov.

“...Damn... I got somebody's number.”

A/N: W/C: 502 Yo, yo, hello again,, I'm jus now finding out that school starts in one week and i got my school stuff today😭  ion wanna go back to school cuz that means going back to sleep at 10, every night Monday thru Friday 😭😭 Anyways, have a good day or night or.. ion know, whenever you're reading this and see y'all when I see yall

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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