Rope Bridge

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You're on a bridge. A rope bridge in the midde of buttfuck nowhere with your friends Miles, Pavitr, Gwen, and Hobie. “Miles, ya practically shakin' 'n your boots. Y'scared? Need me t' hold your hand or somethin'?” You, along with Pav, Gwen and Hobie start laughing, leaving Miles a little angry.

“I'm not scared!... Just don't wanna fall.!.. That's all..! And I don't want your stupid hand!” Miles yells behind him as he's wobbling and trying to keep himself up. Pav laughs and speaks up. “Walking on this bridge is incredibly eas—Ah!”

It's always as soon as he says something's easy. Now Pav's foot is stuck in one of the broken planks. Gwen being in front of Pav, tries to go back and pull him up to keep going, but all of you hear a quiet snap.

“...What w's that?” -H

“I don't know.” -M

“Was that the bridge?” -P

You being behind Hobie, look back past Gwen and Pav to see a broken rope. Two more snapped in the back, and one in the front. You turn around and help Gwen try to get Pav out, but it's like his whole leg is stuck in the small hole. “C'mon c'mon c'mon... Ugh!” Gwen is starting to get frustrated with this. So instead of trying to pull Pav out, she breaks the entire plank and lets Pav get up himself.

“We need t' go. Hurry up! Go!” Hobie gesture's for you all to try and run and shoves Miles to push him ahead and go faster.


The bridge is creaking so loud... Why did it have to be so long.. Who even made this here? Hobie is literally sprinting. Like, dashing towards the end of the bridge nearly makes him and Miles fall off the entire thing trying to push past him. Pavitr is trying his hardest to keep up and Gwen is already ahead of you.


You run back and grav Pav's hand and run as fast as you can. It feels as if it's just getting longer and longer. You feel sick. Hobie made it. Miles made it. Gwen is almost there, but you and Pavitr are extremely behind.

“Run faster!” -M

“What d'you think they're tryin' t'do! Are you lot dumb? Run faster!” -H

“I just said that!” -M


The ropes on one side of the bridge are completely broken off, while one side is still holding on. The bridge is tilting. “Y/N we're gonna fall! Please don't let me go..! Please!” Pav is crying. None of you have ever seen him cry like that. Not Miles, not Gwen, not Hobie, and not you.


There aren't many ropes left. There's a chance you both just... Won't make it. And idea pops up into your head and it won't really benefit you in any way, but it'll help Pavitr. Launching Pav in front of you and pushing him so he's ahead of you, he makes it but immediately turns around and yells for you. “Y/N, come on, you can make it!... They're not gonna make it..”

Without having a second thought, Pavitr is running back for you and grabbing onto your hand, tight before the last few ropes finally break off, and the bridge is left hanging with everyone out of breath.... Mostly you and Pav.

“That was.. Close.” -G

“Incredibly fuckin' close.” -H

“...I don't wanna be here anymore” -M

“I don't think anyone does. So how about we just... Go home.” -Y/N

Everyone nods and gets themselves together, all of you staying close and making sure nothing else bad happens. Everyone making sure they look out for each other. Everyone making sure that no one disappears or gets lost.

A/N: I was on tabletop audios and saw this Rope Bridge audio, and I just wanted to.. I dunno, write somethin' about. Anyways, WC: 621, have a good day or night, see you laterrrr, bye byeeee (I choked on my kookaid)

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